Sunday 9 January 2011

Weekly Update!

Recovery and A Night In Horsforth

After travelling to Letchworth last Sunday, Monday of this week saw the mammoth drive back, via Banbury and Stoke to drop my various passengers off. I was so tired that rather than drive all the way home, I stayed over in Crewe, as a five hour journey completely took it out of me!

Feeling much more refreshed on Tuesday, I headed back to Timperley and after unpacking went on a very pleasant run. I had been dying to go for a while, but the last few dregs of snow and bouts of rain had put a stop to my previous attempts.

On Wednesday, I did some editing. I am the editor-in-chief of Tattered Lace, a magazine that the Fashion Society started producing last year, and we are now on our third issue. I have three editors (Fashion, Culture and Beauty) and they each send me articles from their respective sections once they have been put together and proof read. I then have to make sure the content is right and do a final proof-read before forwarding them onto our wonderful producer, who collates it all with the photoshoots from our creative director, and makes it look all pretty. It is hard work and often very hectic, but so worth it for the gorgeous issues that we make!

Wednesday night was both amazing and devastating, as I went out to Wagamama's with my friends, and then on to a few bars and ended in 5th Avenue nightclub in Manchester. I had such an awesome time, until I lost my purse at the end of the night, and had a drama with people staying in my house! The following day I mostly moped around feeling sorry for myself, and sorted out the what seemed like masses of lost cards I had to replace.

On Friday, after a nice lie in and a five hour shift, I headed to Leeds with my parents and sister to visit my aunty, uncle and cousins there. My eldest cousin

is in the army and I hadn't seen him for over two years, so it was great to catch up on what we'd both been up to, even if it did make me feel hugely insignificant partying at uni while he has been stationed in Afghanistan! We opened belated Christmas presents first, and then headed into Horsforth where they live for a few tipples. After slightly more than a few, we walked back home and enjoyed a gorgeous curry before hitting the sack considerably later than usual.

Yesterday we woke up quite late, had a fabulous cooked breakfast (the full monty- black pudding and all!) and then drove back home. After a spot of shopping in Sale I then stayed in for the rest of the day, playing on The Sims 3 (sad, I know, but it's a new experience!) before catching an early night ready for going back to work today. Not the most exciting or productive week, but there's been worse.

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