Saturday 18 June 2011

Mid-week Update!

My Birthday Week (Part 1)

As this week is so filled with fun things with it being my 21st birthday week, I thought I'd do two weekly update posts. On Monday my friends from home came up to visit, and after cooking some lovely pasta for us all, we got ready and I had a party to celebrate my birthday, as Monday is a much better day to go out in Lancaster. I made some cute cupcakes and other goodies for everyone coming, and there turned out to be quite a crowd!

We started at the house, where I opened lots of cards and presents before heading into town. First of all we went to Hustle, a shot bar that isn't quite as glamorous as it sounds! We had a couple of drinks there before moving on. The club I had planned to go to was heaving, so we went to Toast next door, which I haven't been to all year. They had some good drinks offers on though, and karaoke, which was great fun once we'd all had a few drinks, and it was really busy due to the overspill from next door.

The following day was my actual birthday, so after a nice lie in, I made a cooked breakfast for everyone that we ate outside due to the glorious weather. Once I had said goodbye to those that stayed, Chris and I went into town to buy some ingredients for a meal that we were having that evening (see previous post).

On Wednesday I went round to my friends house for a meal as my flatmate from first year was back from her year abroad in Spain. We had garlic bread and a vegetarian lasagne that the host had made, followed by summer fruit crumble that I cooked which went down very well. It was nice to catch up with the girls whilst enjoying some tasty food, bring on the rest of the week!

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