Wednesday 29 June 2011

Mid-week Update!

Sunny walks, Grad Ball & Shopping!

Another busy week worthy of two posts! This week has been one split between two cities, Lancaster and Manchester. Monday started at home in Manchester, where the weather was gorgeous, and as such my mum and I decided to go for a nice walk. We only went to Dunham Massey, which I have mentioned in previous posts, but this time we stopped at the restaurant there for tea and cake. I had a maple and pecan muffin and a pot of Earl Grey, which was tasty, and because of the sunshine all the deer were about frolicking which was sweet.

On Monday evening, after a spot of shopping during the afternoon, I made a last minute decision to go to our Graduation ball, and so sped off to Lancaster in a suitably formal dress I luckily had in my wardrobe. We had a few drinks (champagne of course) at my friends flat, and then

took some photographs of everyone next to the tree that is the symbol of our university college. It was really good to see everyone all trussed up looking gorgeous, just a shame that my choice to go was so spontaneous, as I'd have liked to have splashed out on a new dress. The event had performances by many different acts- some local bands and DJs as well as the more notable Greg James from Radio 1 and The Noisettes, who were really good live!

Yesterday I headed back to Manchester as I had a shift at work that evening. Today my sister Jasmine and I decided to go into Manchester to do a bit of shopping, as she needed some shoes for her prom. I bought a black blazer from H&M, and a nice geometric top from Warehouse as well as a present for my friend's 21st, which is this evening. (see Part 2!) We also went to an amazing new sweet shop, that had every sweet imaginable on its shelves, as well as a chocolate dipping station, and cupcake stall!

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