Sunday 5 June 2011

Weekly Update!

Sun, Cupcakes & Frisbee!

This week was my first proper week back at uni since Easter. It has been awesome catching up with everyone, and the weather for once has been lovely!

On Monday after a gloriously unproductive day, Chris came to mine for tea, and we had pork steaks with pasta salad and guacamole- it was delicious, and nice and light for a warm summery day. On Tuesday I walked into town to run a few errands, before going onto campus to use the gym (though I was still aching from Saturday's session!) and then in the evening I chilled out in front of the telly before catching an early night.

Wednesday was a lovely day, as I went to watch The Hangover Part II, followed by a Yummy Cupcake Company visit (white chocolate and raspberry if you were interested) and then in the evening all my friends came round and I made a huge lasagne with garlic bread for us all to munch on. It was a late and rather drunken evening, which was a great way for me to catch up on everything I've been missing in Lancaster.

On Thursday I slept in quite late, and after washing up the mountains of dishes from the previous night, settled down for an Apprentice marathon, as I hadn't seen any of this series so far. Another nice lazy day, as I was making the most of not feeling guilty about revising due to my exams still being a week away.

I gymmed again on Friday, before meeting my dad and his friends who had come up to visit for the day/ night. One drink in the Pendle Witch with them then turned into a bar crawl from there to Yate's, The George and Dragon, The Water Witch and ended with shot sticks in Revolution. We had a cheeseboard and wine in The Water Witch which was amazing, and it was only £12.95 for 3 big wedges of cheese, tomato chutney and homemade bread and butter, so not bad considering it fed 5 people.
Yesterday I wandered home from Chris' (I'd had to stay there as all the beds were taken in my house!) and then after a quick change I went to sit on the University of Cumbria field with some friends in the sun. We had a little makeshift picnic, played a bit of frisbee, and I managed to get a nice little tan going! In the evening I tagged along to a friend of a friend's birthday night out, as I wanted to enjoy my last weekend of freedom before revision kicked in. They had a strange oxygen bar in Sugarhouse, which although I tried, I have to say wasn't too impressive.

Today I've been rather hungover in bed, but I'm looking forward to a nice chicken casserole and some roasties later on when Chris is coming to stay. You can't beat a bit of comfort food to perk you up the day after a night out!

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