Sunday 26 June 2011

Weekly Update!

Afternoon Tea, Last LUFS Meal & My 21st!

This week has been so much fun, due to it being my last full week in Lancaster, so it involved lots of socialising. On Monday I got a lift back to Lancs with my mum, and then in the afternoon/ evening went for a barbecue at my friends house, where we'd literally just dragged the sofa outside when it began to rain. Luckily we'd finished cooking everything by then though!

On Wednesday my friend Timna and I went to The Borough, a pub in Lancaster, and had a champagne afternoon tea service to celebrate finishing the year. We got a flute of champagne each, finger sandwiches, fruit jelly with cream, custard slices, cream buns and a fruit stick, followed by a lovely cup of tea and scones with jam and cream, all for £12. Feeling sufficiently full (and a bit merry off the champers) we bought a bottle of bubbly and went to the cinema to see Bridesmaids (see previous post). A thoroughly enjoyable and girly day.

On Thursday it was our last ever LUFS meeting, and so the exec all went to Julie, our media officer's house for lunch. We each took something (I made a veggie chilli) and totally pigged out on chocolate marshmallows, strawberries and cream, crisps, cakes and champagne again! Because it was our last get-together, we all dressed up for the occasion, which was really fun; even if we did get some strange looks walking to the house! In the evening I went for a few drinks in town with friends with it being my last night out in Lancaster. We went to the White Cross, The Sun and The John O'Gaunt which was nice.

On Friday morning I had my hair dyed, which took 3 hours! It's finally the colour I've wanted it for ages though so it was worth it. In the evening Chris and I got the train back to Manchester ready for my party the next day, and we went for a carvery at a local pub for tea.

Saturday dawned and after prettifying myself, I set about helping to sort everything out for my 21st birthday party. People started arriving from about 1.30pm, but I managed to save myself and only had my first glass of wine at 3.30pm! My friends from uni got trains and arrived at tea time, which was great. It was such an amazing day, lots of people came, I got some gorgeous presents, had an awesome buffet courtesy of my mum and stayed up partying until 6am!

Needless to say Sunday was spent catching up on sleep and seeing off everyone who had stayed. An absolutely brilliant week!

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