Sunday 12 June 2011

Weekly Update!

Exams & celebrations!

The beginning of this week was awful, due to me having an exam on Thursday, and having a complete lack of ability to revise for it. It has always been that way for me, and this year was no exception. After fruitlessly writing notes all of Monday, I realised halfway through Tuesday that I wouldn't finish writing up all of my lectures, so stopped and resorted to reading through them all, which never really sinks in. By the time it got to Wednesday, the day before my exam, I had completely given up, and so went to the gym, had long conversations with my best friend and my mum, and watched The Apprentice.

Eventually, Thursday dawned, and I was surprisingly not nervous, wanting more than anything to just get it over and done with. At 11.30am, I stepped outside the examination room and it dawned upon me that my university career was officially over. It was bliss. I celebrated by going to the gym (better to get all the horrid things out of the way early) and then mooching around the house in a state of euphoria until 6pm when I started getting ready for my friends to come round to my house.

At 7pm, a few friends came round for some drinks before we headed into town. By 11pm it was pouring down with rain, but nothing could dampen my spirits as a lucky few of us jumped in a taxi whilst the others walked. Ten minutes later we were warm and cradling drinks inside the Friary, and were joined soon after by three drowned rats. We stayed there for the whole of the night, but it was good to be able to have proper conversations rather than struggle to hear each other if we had decided upon a club.

Friday was spent in bed, and being disgustingly lazy, I didn't dress for the whole day. Chris had stayed over, so we watched episodes of Come Dine With Me, and got a chinese takeaway in the evening, after I realised I had been paid- woop!

On Saturday, the weather was gorgeous, so we went round to our friends house for a barbecue, which soon escalated into a 'burn anything in the vicinity of the barbeque' due to the large amount of boys in the group. I walked back to mine at around 7pm, and watched some rubbish telly before getting an early night.

Sunday was spent tidying the house and making cakes ready for my 21st birthday party tomorrow. I made some white chocolate chip frog cupcakes, a sponge loaf with strawberry jam filling and covered in white chocolate, and some rock cakes, that contained everything I needed to get rid of! I also walked into town to get a few bits of food to feed my friends from home who are coming to stay. I really miss having a bus pass this term, as I had to walk home in the pouring rain with heavy bags!

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