Sunday 19 June 2011

Weekly Update!

My Birthday Week (part 2)

Continuing on from my last post, on Thursday I was going to hit the gym, but it was such a sunny day that I couldn't bring myself to, so I had a wander into town instead. I got some things for my dad for Father's Day, and stopped for a cup of tea in an amazing little place called the Novel Cafe that has recently opened. Its walls are completely lined with books, that you are invited to read if you go in. I took my own book though and stayed for a good hour in the peace and quiet! That evening I went for a barbecue at my friends house, where a bottle of wine turned into 3, and I ended up sleeping over despite it being a five minute walk home to my house!

On Friday I was a little groggy, but after a severe lie in I had to go onto campus to do a psychology experiment I had put my name down for. Once that was done though, I headed back home for another nap to try and sleep off my hangover. In the evening the girls from the fashion society came to mine, and we voted in our new exec whilst enjoying some cheese and wine. As you can imagine though, I only had one glass before I decided to stick to just the lemonade! The night was cut short somewhat though by a mishap that ended in A & E, as someone twisted their ankle quite badly. 3 hours and a pair of crutches later though, she was smiling again- phew!

Yesterday it was my friend's 21st, so I trained it back to Manchester to go to her garden party in Knutsford, which was adorable. There were marquees in the garden, homemade floral bunting, gorgeous flowers everywhere and an amazing buffet including a hog roast and old fashioned sweets in jars. So much effort had gone into it and it looked incredible, and was a thoroughly enjoyable day/ night.

Today is Father's Day/ my dad's birthday from Friday, so we had a chinese takeaway and watched him open his presents and cards. I also had some from home as well, which was a nice surprise, so it was a happy day all around, and in general a brilliant week!

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