Wednesday 1 June 2011

Summer Views...

The Hangover Part II- 4 stars ****

I loved the first Hangover film, and so when I heard they were making a sequel, I was eager to get straight to the cinema when it was released. I had heard from a few people that it was pretty much a repeat of the original, but that didn't put me off.

This time it is dentist Stu (Ed Helms) who is getting married. After all plans of a bachelor party are quashed by the groom, the group head across the water to Thailand, where the wedding is taking place. Having been persuaded by the group to invite Alan (Zach Galifianakis) to the event, who caused the chaos in the first film by spiking the men's drinks, Stu is relieved when everything seems to be going swimmingly. Two nights before the ceremony, all the boys go for a few drinks around a fire on the beach.

The following morning Stu, Alan and Phil (Bradley Cooper) wake up in an apartment, missing Doug (Justin Bartha) and the bride's teenage brother Teddy (Mason Lee), and with the addition of a facial tattoo for Stu, and a shaved head for Alan. They have no recollection of the night, and it soon becomes apparent that Alan has been up to his old tricks again. So begins a crazy trip around Bangkok in order to piece together their lost night, and recover those missing from the group.

In this way, it is similar to the first film, but that is not to say that there is a lack of comedy or action in any way. I definitely think that the shock factor has been played upon in this film, as it is ruder, cruder and more X-rated than its predecessor, and it is this coupled with the same screenwriters that make this such a good watch. The acting is second to none, with familiar faces such as Mr Chow (Ken Jeong) providing a great majority of the hilarious moments, and newbies such as Paul Giamatti adding a more serious tone to the piece. At the end a guest appearance by Mike Tyson really puts the icing on the (wedding) cake. Not for the prudish, but great for a laugh-a-minute night in.

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