Tuesday 11 October 2011

Candid Article 4

Up-and-coming: Joanna Briggs

In an industry that is fast becoming dominated by manufactured pop bands and reality TV personalities, the number of musicians who manage to achieve their dreams using raw talent and determination appears to be dwindling. Attempting to prove this claim wrong is new girl on the alternative music scene, Joanna Briggs.

After spending time as a successful freelance fashion and beauty photographer in London, the 23 year old from near Birmingham moved back to her roots to focus on her first passion - music. Having been to a specialist performing arts college, Joanna is by no means limited in her creativity. She not only sings, but is an accomplished violinist and writes her own material. She was first found performing her tracks online, and was soon snapped up and signed to independent label LoveRock Records late last year. In less than 12 months, the songstress has written and recorded her debut EP ‘Balloons’ which is due for release on September 26th.

Listening to the product of her hard work (available to stream at www.jbriggs.co.uk or www.loverockrecords.co.uk) it is clear that Joanna is not afraid to push boundaries and experiment with her musical style. The opening song ‘Spiders’ begins with a dischordant bassline that would not be out of place on an industrial track, yet it gives way to distinctly feminine vocals that are reminiscent of Nina Persson of ‘The Cardigans’.

This unpredictability is in abundance throughout the six tracks on the record, where household items such as tin cans and a fire extinguisher were used as instruments. In the space of twenty minutes she creates an edgy and refreshing sound that is widely accessible due to its uniqueness. Worth a listen is ‘Longest Road’, which has a deliciously haunting quality thanks to the melancholic piano melody.

Citing artists as far apart as electro queen Robyn and folk singer Ingrid Michaelson as her influences, the genre of music that Joanna Briggs performs is hard to define. It is described by her label as a ‘unique blend of electro, indie and pop’ but for the full verdict? I guess you’ll just have to go and listen to it for yourself.

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