Sunday 9 October 2011

Weekly Update!

Nannying & Return to Lancaster!

This week was super busy as I have taken on nannying holiday cover for a fortnight, so I've literally been working twelve hour days! It's been hectic but well worth it for the money, and the little boy I look after is really sweet. He is always pretty busy doing after school activities and things, but there is some time to just mess around and play, and we made chilli together on Tuesday, which was fun.

After my working week was officially over, I came home, got changed and caught a train to Lancaster for the weekend. The first night I went straight to

my friend's birthday party, which was cops and robbers themed. Everyone had put in some effort, and we had jelly shots and cake, and took lots of photos. We then all headed to Sugarhouse, where luckily we had queue jump, as with it being Freshers Week it was pretty chaotic!

The following day I was feeling a little fragile, not helped by getting up at 8.30am to watch the rugby. After another hours nap once it had finished, I managed to crawl out of bed and get myself ready to go for late lunch with my friend Helen who is back for her fourth year. We went to the Whaletail Cafe, a vegetarian joint that had an

industrial feel to it as it was upstairs in what seemed like a warehouse. It had been decked out to look all pretty though, with fairy lights, comfy chairs and some lovely hand crafted paintings and sculptures. I had sweet potato, lentil and smoked cheese rissoles (sort of ball things) off the specials board, and they were served with crème fraiche, and a gorgeous salad with chickpeas, lentils and carrot. I was tempted by a dessert, as some of the cakes sounded delicious, but I was so full I gave it a miss, and bought a Yummy Cupcake for later on!
That evening I went out again, but this time with my friend Claire (also back for fourth year) and my flatmates from second year, who I was staying with. Chris was up for the weekend as well, and there were lots of graduates in Sugarhouse, so it was a proper little reunion. I paced myself a little better second time around, so on Sunday morning I felt a lot more alive, and after a sausage and bacon barm courtesy of Spar on campus, I was back on track for my next hard working week.

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