Sunday 2 October 2011

Weekly Update!

Working Life & Roadtrips

This week I started a new job as a housekeeper and occasional nanny for a family who live in Millington near Knutsford. It is hard work, but keeps me busy and makes the time go quickly, so I am enjoying it so far, though they do have two sphyx cats that are quite unnerving! It is just in the mornings, and I get Thursday off, so it is a nice little earner that still leaves me time to do my writing.

On Monday it was Chris' birthday, so after my first day I went to his house and we went out for a meal at a local pub. I had fish and chips, which I had been craving for ages, and they definitely hit the spot. We had some of the cake I made (see previous post) when we got home, which turned out nice and moist, and he opened the presents that my parents and I had got him (they got him wine, I got him a trip to Dublin and a Where's Wally? mug!).

Tuesday and Wednesday were spent chilling out, catching up with some errands I had to run, and on Thursday I wrote my latest magazine article and then met up with a few friends in the evening for a chinwag and some sweeties!

On Friday I went to the gym and then babysat until the early hours, which left me with little sleep before I headed to Lancaster early on Saturday morning. I went with my mum to hand over the house keys to the new students that are moving in, and then we had a wander around the shops. I bought a lovely leather and sheepskin jacket from a little vintage boutique, and then we stopped for a sandwich and cream tea in The Novel Cafe, a really cute little place that is filled to the brim with books, and has a coffee menu that puts everywhere else to shame.

We drove home in a bit of a rush as I was at work at 5pm, but made it just in time. On Sunday we had another day trip together, this time to visit Jasmine at university in Leeds. She seems to have enjoyed her Fresher's week, and we even got tea and cake there, so it appears she is growing up! I drove home in the evening, and spent the night watching television and relaxing before a crazy week begins this week. I have another job nannying a little boy in the mornings and after school, which with my housekeeping job means I am working 12 hour days. I'll let you know how it is going next weekend!

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