Sunday 23 October 2011

Weekly Update!

Hutches, Hair Dye and Havoc!

This week mainly revolved around the weekend, as it seems to be continuously for me now that I've finished uni and am stuck in the wonderful world of employment. My grandpa came to stay for a few days this week, and it was nice to have another person in the house. Another bonus was that my rabbit Saffy got a new hutch made for her, which she desperately needed after having become drastically larger since she was a little bunny!

On Thursday my friend Charlotte came to mine for a natter and a coffee, and we booked our tickets for The Blitz Party, which is a 1940s night on in London, that a group of us are heading to for her birthday in November. I am so excited as I adore the era, and am planning my outfit already! In the evening I dyed my hair and for once it went perfectly, so I am lovely and bright blonde again.

On Friday I caught the train and went out in Knutsford with Charlotte and Tasha. We had a drink in Piccolino's restaurant to begin with, before heading on to Knutsford Wine Bar, which has a great atmosphere and live bands on which always adds a bit of a different swing to a night. We didn't stay too late as Tasha had work the following morning, but it was nice to have a few drinks and to get out of the house for an evening.

On Saturday morning I headed out to the gym for the third time this week (go me!) and had a good ol' workout to wake me up. Once I'd got home I chilled out for a bit and watched some TV before doing my hair and makeup ready for going out that evening. I worked from 5-10pm so was a bit of a sight all trussed up! It did mean that I was super speedy after finishing, and was in Manchester for 10.45pm which is a bit of a record. I went to Moho Live for the first time, and really enjoyed it there. It was only £3 to get in before 11.30pm and that included 2 free drinks, and it was their Indie/ Rock night, so the music was right up my street. We left for home fairly early at around 2am but I was pretty tired from working all week so didn't complain.

On Sunday I was at work at 12pm so didn't get much of a lie-in, but fortunately as I hadn't drunk much the night before I wasn't suffering from going out for once. After work I had an interview in High Legh, where I got hopelessly lost down dark back roads in the middle of nowhere which was pretty scary; and I didn't particularly want the position afterwards, despite the interview seeming to go well. You win some you lose some I guess!

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