Tuesday 6 March 2012

Traveller's Tales...

Reims & Paris (part 1)

Last week, Chris and I went to France for five days to stay with our friend Laura who lives over there. We flew to Paris Charles De Gaulle on Monday afternoon, and touched down at 5.15pm French time. We caught a metro to Gare du Nord, then walked to Gare de L'Est where we were getting a TGV (high speed train) to Reims where Laura lives. We got slightly lost, but had just enough time for a bite to eat before we boarded.

We met Laura at 10.45pm and walked the short distance to the apartment she shares with Jo, another girl we know from university. After dumping our
bags, we went for a couple of drinks in some local bars, where we attracted quite an audience - obviously we exude Britishness! We crashed out at around 1.30am.

The second day I woke bright and early for a day around the town. We bought some pastries for brunch (including a bizarre brioche sausage roll) and then walked to Reims cathedral. It was a stunning building, very grand, and had gorgeous stained glass windows; including some pretty art nouveau style ones. We went into a few shops, and then stopped at a bar/ restaurant called L'Apostrophe for a drink before heading back for a salad niçoise for a late lunch.

That evening Laura and Jo were holding a themed party titled 'The Untold Story Of Marie Antoinette' - think Renaissance France gone slightly mad! We donned our best outfits and indulged in champagne and cocktails whilst eating cakes, pastries and some very English sweets I had brought over from a shop at home.

We were all rather merry when we decided to venture out for a drink at the Best Western Hotel (it does gorgeous cocktails) and I think the waiter was rather confused at the arrival of twelve people clad in dresses and suits at 2am!

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