Thursday 29 March 2012

Spring Sounds...

The Fun Lovin' Criminals

The Fun Lovin' Criminals are such an indulgence for me, as they remind me of family holidays when I was younger. My dad always used to like to stay up reading with some music on once we had gone to bed, and my sister and I would complain that the music would keep us up. Until he started playing 'Mimosa' by FLC, and we found that we could drift off quite easily to it. So began a tradition of playing it on every holiday!

My dad has seen FLC a few times with his friends and always raves about what a good performance they give, so when I heard that they were playing in Manchester, I jumped at the chance to see them. This was tripled when I found out that they were playing an 'intimate' gig at the Hard Rock, tickets were only £20 and it all went to charity! Unfortunately my dad was working that night, so I dragged my ex-boyfriend along with me (which was surprisingly un-awkward!) and we went along to the show.

We had to pose on the red carpet before going in which was a little cringey, but once inside we got a drink and settled down. I had a very heavy night the night before, so was on the soft drinks, but Chris got straight onto the beer!

The band came on and were really charismatic, talking openly to the audience and really plugging the charity, which was to help Indian street children. I thought it was good that they seemed so passionate, as it showed that they knew what they were working for, when I think a lot of celebrity charity dos are a little false.
Of course, they did all the classics- Scooby Snacks, Fun Lovin' Criminal, We Have All The Time In The World, as well as a few lesser known tracks, and some modern medleys that were really good. Midway through there was an auction that raised a lot of money, and then the gig ended at around 11pm, which is a good job as I was seriously tired! I would rush to see them again, but I don't think it would beat that venue - amazing!

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