Sunday 25 March 2012

Weekly Update!

Cake, Catch-ups & Sunshine!

This week has been pretty fun-filled actually, and together with some gorgeous weather has been one of the best of 2012 so far! I worked Monday (Aum was ill so it was a full day nannying as well), and babysat on Wednesday night, so together with my late finish on Tuesday as usual, my week didn't really start until Thursday. I did a couple of lovely runs in the sunshine during the days though which gave me something to keep me occupied, as well as a Total Workout, and two yoga classes - at least if this bikini weather stays I'll have my summer body sorted!

On Wednesday after I had picked Aum up from school we went to The Cake Gallery, a little cafe around the corner from his house, and I opted for the maple and pecan cake, which had three tiers! I had it with a pot of tea, while Aum had a Ribena and a chocolate cupcake with mini eggs on top. It was very reasonably priced (£6.60 for everything) and the interior of the place is really lovely, all white Parisian style furniture and pretty china crockery.

On Thursday evening after I had finished work I met up with a couple of the girls for a few glasses of wine and a chat. We went to The Griffin in Bowdon (which is literally around the corner from where I work) and happened to be there on Quiz Night, so took our chances at a go. We didn't do amazingly, I think we were sixth out of twelve, but at least we weren't last!

On Friday after work I drove straight to Lancaster for my friend Amanda's 21st birthday party. The traffic was horrendous, so it took me an hour and a half, but I still got there for seven so it wasn't too bad. Another of my friends who I hadn't seen since graduation was up for the weekend, so it was lovely catching up, and there were quite a few girls out so I wasn't in the minority as is normally the case.

We predrank at Amanda's and then got taxis to Wetherspoons where we shared some pitchers before going on to Sugarhouse. It was the last night before everyone was leaving for Easter, so it was rammed! We all had a really good night, and the following morning was beautiful, so I dragged my airbed outside and we had a sunbathe while the boys cooked some stuff on a barbecue. After a slight doze and a lemon meringue ice cream, it was time for me to leave, as I was working at the pub at 5pm for a 30th birthday party. I completely lost track of time and had to rush home and get ready really quickly, but just about made it. I stayed until nearly half past midnight, and was knackered when I eventually made it to my bed!

Today I went to Cheshire Oaks with my mum (see previous post) and when we came back we had tea and cakes in the garden before the sun disappeared!

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