Sunday 11 March 2012

Weekly Update!

Solitude & Selfridges!

I've been so busy this week, I haven't really had time to do very much. In a way it was good, as it kept my mind off the fact that I'm newly single! I worked Monday as usual and also did an extra shift on Thursday, so along with my late night finish on Tuesday I only had two evenings free. On Wednesday I went to the cinema to see Wanderlust (post coming next week) and had a few drinks beforehand with Charlotte; it was lovely to have a girly chat and a couple of glasses of wine before watching a funny film.

On Thursday during the day I took Aum to Yogberries, as he'd won a football trophy sponsored by them so got a free medium sized portion of frozen yoghurt. As I was there, it would have been rude not to indulge in one myself - so I chose the natural flavour with walnuts and peanut butter cups.

On Friday I had one of the rare opportunities to just do nothing, and it was awesome. I had some cider, stuck my stereo on super loud, and tried on some outfits ready for going out on Saturday. I also got the new Vogue so had a flick through that. On Saturday I worked, and then got ready to go out in Hale with a few friends. As I have a free house at the moment, a couple of people came to predrink at mine, and we were going to meet the rest out later on. However, after a few drinks, we were more than happy just chilling out at home, so stayed in and listened to some dancey tunes while having a giggle.

Today I had a lie in and then got ready to go out to Manchester. I met up with a friend for some lunch at Tiger Tiger which was really nice, I had haddock fishcake with a bean salad. Afterwards we said goodbye and I went to Selfridges for a little MAC makeup splurge. I got a couple of staples before being persuaded to buy a new eyeshadow called 'smutty green' that is black with green iridescent glitter over the top. I also checked out a Marc Jacobs bag that I saw online and want to buy - it was just as gorgeous in real life! There was a really cool display at the front of the store as well, so I took a photo to stick on here. A good mixed week!

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