Sunday 18 March 2012

Weekly Update!

Goujons, Gigs & Gossiping!

This week was pretty crazy to be honest, it flew by as I had so much on. Luckily it wasn't all work and chores for once, so I had some time to enjoy myself. On Monday I went for a wander around the Trafford Centre during the day as I had some things to pick up (including a Mother's Day present!) and so treated myself to a coffee in Caffe Nero whilst I read my book for a bit. After a usually hectic weekend, and with having work at the pub that evening, it was nice to just relax for half an hour in quiet surroundings.

On Tuesday my parents got back from their trip to Ireland, so I lost having the house to myself, which is always a bit of a novelty, but it was nice to catch up with them and have some company again. On Wednesday I went to Exchange Bar and Grill with Charlotte for some tea before going to the cinema to see Bel Ami (see next post). We shared chicken goujons for a starter, and then we both had chicken enchiladas for main. It was really tasty, but the whole experience and atmosphere was not as good as it used to be a couple of years ago when I went a fair few times with my family. The service was a bit lack lustre, and the food felt like it had been plonked on the plate with little thought for presentation. Luckily we were using my mum's Hi-Life card, which gives you everything half price, so we couldn't really complain at two courses and wine for just over £10 each.

On Thursday I went to see Florence and the Machine with my mum at the MEN arena in Manchester, which was amazing! (see previous post) It was quite a late night, so on Friday I chilled out during the day and had my nails done, and then just watched some television with wine in the evening. My sister was home from university for the weekend with her boyfriend, so it was nice to have a few more people in the house, especially ones slightly closer to me in age!

On Saturday I only worked half my shift at the pub as I wanted to finish early to travel down to Hatfield near St Albans in Hertfordshire to see my friend Katie from university. I had a perfect run down, and arrived just before 5pm. We had a good ol' chinwag and before we knew it, it was 7pm so we cracked open the wine and had some tea before getting ready for a well deserved night out.

We left the house at 10pm and went to a cocktail bar called Mokokos where I had a couple of glasses of a gorgeous drink called a Foxy Lady. We then headed on to an apparently newish club that had opened called Veeda. It was £8 to get in (!) but played some really good music, and it was nice to actually dance and try somewhere new. It was pretty busy as well, probably due to it being St Patrick's Day. Despite their only being the two of us, we had a really fun time catching up, and today was spent in various stages of hangover, before I left for home at half 4. I took a wrong turn and ended up driving in circles in Bedford for 40 mins, but eventually made it home for 8pm, and I am now ready to hit the sack for another working week to begin!

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