Monday 30 July 2012

Weekly Update!

Breakups, Morrissey & Hungover Flying!

This week has been pretty stressful to be honest - after work on Monday I went to Lydia's for a chat as I needed talking to! On Tuesday I broke up with Sam, which was horrible but definitely for the best. We are still going away to Turkey together which could be interesting; but I guess I'll just have to deal with it.

On Wednesday I babysat until half eight and then went to see the Dark Knight Rises (see next post) with Lydia, Tasha and Abi which was really good - although it finished at nearly 1am! On Thursday after work I went into Hale for a few drinks which was nice. We started in Hogans, but there was an event on that made us feel like spare parts so we quickly moved on to the American Bar after one. We only stayed until midnight as we had work the next morning, but Lydia came round to mine afterwards and we shared a bottle of wine, so it wasn't as early a night after all!

On Friday I had my nails done and prepped ready for my holiday on Sunday. It was my last day at work so I said goodbye to Aum and then drove home to get packing! My bag was 2kgs over, but I chanced it as I couldn't cut anything else out! 

I worked at the pub on Saturday, and then went into Manchester to see Morrissey, as I had got free tickets from my dad's friend Phil. I took my ex Chris and his friend Jess, which wasn't my best choice in hindsight, but the gig was great and I met up with Mike, Benn and Grey from Beni afterwards (after a wild goose chase!) so I ended up having a really good night.

The following day I was rather worse for wear, so spent the day sleeping before grabbing a shower and having a roast dinner ready for my flight to Tenerife. It wasn't until 7.50 so the worst of my hangover had subsided, but it wasn't my best flight! We arrived about an hour ago completely knackered, but excited for a week playing in the sun!

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