Saturday 29 December 2012

Weekly Update!

Christmas, Eating & Andorra!

Amidst the chaos of packing for my ski trip, I thought I would post on here early to sum up the week so far. I won't be posting next week due to being away, but will be back the week of the 7th Jan, to tell you all about what will hopefully be an amazing time!

Monday was Christmas Eve, but most people in the house were working so I spent the day chilling out, cleaning my room and getting some stuff sorted for skiing. I also redyed my hair purple and it came out much better this time. I worked at the pub in the evening, but luckily finished just after 11pm, so went into Hale to meet up with Tasha, Emily, Lydia and her gang for a few drinks. There was a band on, and we stayed until about 2am, but I was only on wine so didn't get too drunk.

The following day we woke up and had eggs Benedict for breakfast before Jasmine started work at 10am. I had a bit of a nap while mum watched TV, and then we started on Christmas dinner. Dad woke up at about half two, and Jas got home at just gone three, so we opened our stocking presents before sitting down for something to eat. We had a four bird roast that was gorgeous, followed by yule log for dessert later on. Because we didn't start opening presents until around 5pm, we didn't finish until nineish, so the day seemed to fly by, we didn't even watch any television! I got lots of ski and gym stuff, some new running trainers and lots of chocolate, so a good day all in all!

The following day all the family came over, and it was lovely to have all the little cousins round, as Christmas seems so much more exciting when kids are involved. We had another Christmas dinner, this time turkey and gammon followed by mince pies and trifle, and opened lots of presents before settling down for the evening. Everyone apart from my Aunty Sarah, Chris and the kids were staying, so I was relegated to the living room on an airbed, but it was actually pretty comfy!

On 27th my Aunty Joanne and Ian left, but the kids stayed behind with us and my grandparents. Jasmine and I went into Altrincham and I picked up my phone finally, as well as buying a nice dress from River Island, and a snakeskin top from H&M for the jungle themed night whilst I am away. I had my nails done a really nice glittery mocha colour, and we had a buffet tea before Jasmine, Dad and I went to see the Hobbit (see future post).

Friday was spent last minute packing/ holiday prepping, my bag is a joke, it took two of us to close it! Afterwards I went for a drink with Emily and Tasha at Bloom in Altrincham, and then went to Benn's as he had a couple of people round. I was stupidly drinking until about 6am this morning, so am going to feel awful on the coach, and look a right state, which will be a shame if there are a few hotties lurking!

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