Thursday 28 February 2013

Winter Sounds...

Reel Big Fish

Last night I went to see Reel Big Fish at the Manchester Ritz with Mo, Dom and Kirsty. To be honest, I'm not a massive fan, but I was invited and after a listen to their latest album thought it would be fun. They were also the second band I ever saw live back when I was 15, so I thought it would be a laugh to see them for old times sake.

They were supported by a band called Suburban Legends, who put on a really good show, complete with dance routines! Despite their music being a little twee for my liking, it was very happy and lively so was good to watch all the same.

Reel Big Fish came on at 9.10pm and played a really good set, which was fairly long too, ending at 10.45pm. I was surprised at how many of the tracks I knew having not listened to them for a long time, and they did a good mix of new material off the latest album 'Candy Coated Fury' as well as the old classics. In particular 'Sell Out' was awesome, the whole crowd went crazy and everyone was skanking around enjoying themselves. They left the stage at the end, and then came back on and did an encore which included 'Beer' and a little ensemble which got everyone dancing.

Overall I'm thoroughly glad I went as it was a really upbeat and positive gig, where you came out feeling happy and energised despite being knackered and sweaty!

Monday 25 February 2013

Winter Views...

Cloud Atlas - 4 stars ****

On Friday, Mo and I went to watch Cloud Atlas, the latest offering from the Wachowskis (of The Matrix fame) and Tom Tykwer (Run Lola Run). I managed to find a preview of it on at Parrs Wood, as it is not released until this week, so I booked tickets to make sure we definitely got in. I saw the trailer for it way back in summer and have been waiting to see it since, although apart from knowing it is based on a book by David Mitchell I had no idea what it was about!

I'll admit, trying to explain what this is about is going to be tricky, not least because there are so many subplots, and all the characters are at least doubled if not quadroupled up, so even describing things that happen to certain people is difficult! 

The main idea is that people's souls remain the same throughout time and space, yet external factors can influence the way their life turns out. There are six different settings: a slave owner's (Jim Sturgess) ship in a pacific voyage in 1849, a composer (Ben Whishaw) writing love letters in 1930s Britain, a news reporter (Halle Berry) investigating a corrupt nuclear power plant in the 1970s, a publisher (Jim Broadbent) confined to a nursing home in the present day who attempts to run away, a Korean clone (Doona Bae) who escapes from her master (Hugh Grant) and rebels in 2144, and a tribesman (Tom Hanks) fighting cannibals in a post-apocalyptic world in 2300. The film (that is nearly three hours long) flits between all six of these stories, until eventually at the end everything appears to click into place and certain conclusions can be drawn about each 'soul'. 

I cannot even begin to comprehend the skills of the actors who took part in this, as they would have had to have done research on many different characters at once, and gone through time consuming, arduous transformations to become them. This is one of the brilliant things about the movie, as sometimes it takes quite a while before you realise who is playing which character. This gives each one a chance to impact before you see them as the actors they are, for instance, Hugo Weaving or Susan Sarandon. Weaving is especially good in drag as the terrifying Nurse Noakes, preventing Broadbent from escaping the home he has been put in by his rich younger brother (Grant) who is jealous of his affair with his wife Georgette (Whishaw).

One bad point I had with this, which may seem a little petty, is that Old Georgie, the ghoulish creature that haunts Zachry in 2300, was very similar to a Mighty Boosh character, even down to the way he spoke, which made me want to constantly laugh! Also a sort of madeup/ patois style language is used in the same setting, which at times I really struggled to understand.

I think that this film has marmite syndrome; though overall I would say I loved it, I have spoken to many that hated it. I thought it was a truly awe-inspiring piece of work, that seemed to evoke and attach itself to every emotion, from love and jealousy, to fear, delusion, pain, lust, greed, pride and philanthropy. It also had a lot of philosophical stuff in that was a little over my head, but intrigued me all the same.

After watching this, I am really tempted to read the book, as I think a story of this depth and complexity would excel on paper and be much more understandable. All I can say of the film is watch it, and hopefully you will think as highly of it as I do! 

Sunday 24 February 2013

Weekly Update!

Schools Out, Shopping & Suede!

This week has been half term, I survived! It has actually been really fun having a week of doing stuff with Aum, and we were really lucky that the weather has been quite pleasant the whole time.

On Monday he was tired after a hectic weekend with family, so we just went to Stamford park for a couple of hours and then met up with Abi and Tasha in Cafe Gourmand for a cake and drink. I had the afternoon tea, which was a finger sandwich with any filling (I chose chicken, avocado and goats cheese) any hot drink (tea, of course) and a cake; I opted for the carrot variety. Annoyingly I got a parking ticket which put a slight dampener on the day, but it was my own fault so mustn't grumble. The pub that I work at is currently closed, so I went to a class at the gym and then chilled out in the evening.

The following day we went to Stockley Farm, which was lovely (see previous post) and when I got back from work Mum and Dad were back from their holiday in Trinidad, so I had a good natter with them and looked at their photos.

On Wednesday Aum had a tennis lesson, so I got to fit a class in which was good. We went for a swim afterwards and then had a late lunch in the restaurant. I went for lime and chilli prawn skewers, but got them with some chunky chips as I fancied being naughty. We didn't do much in the afternoon as we were both pretty shattered, just watched some TV and his mum got home quite early so I got to finish. I was intending doing yoga in the evening, but swerved it as I felt I had reached my exercise quota for the day!

On Thursday I took Aum and his friend Max to Crocky Trail, which was loads of fun (see previous post) and then in the evening Mo (who is now my boyfriend :)) came round for some food and to watch a film. I was so beat after spending the day running around! I got a text that evening inviting Aum to the cinema and for lunch at a friends the next day which was a bonus, so once he had gone at 11am I had the day to myself until half 3, when I picked him up an took him for a haircut. His mum was back once we got home, so I went home and had a nap before dying my hair purple again, and going to the cinema to see Cloud Atlas with Mo (see next weeks post).

Saturday I woke bright and early to go and visit Jas in Leeds with Mum. We went shopping and had a Subway for lunch before coming back in the early evening. I got a couple of nice dresses from Ark that were fairly cheap, shame it was money I shouldn't really have been spending!

That evening I went into Manchester with Tasha, Emily and Smeed. We went to Taps for cocktails and then ended in Suede, which was an experience! It was pretty fun though. I was very lucky as I'd forgotten my ID so we couldn't get into a few places, but managed to sweet talk the bouncer there!

Today was a lazy day, I was supposed to be going for lunch with Luke from skiing, but we got our wires crossed so I slept for another couple of hours and then did some work on my blog. Mum made a really nice Greek style meal for tea with tzatsiki, pitta bread, chicken souvlaki, Greek salad and rosemary potatoes, which was a good end to a fun week!

Friday 22 February 2013

Days Out...

Crocky Trail, Chester

Yesterday I took Aum and his friend Max to the Crocky Trail adventure park in Chester. We set off at half eleven and it took us about 45 mins to get there. After we had paid we headed over to the main play area, which had 'death slides', a giant see-saw, a centrifuge, a spinning dome that you had to try and get to the top of, a really difficult climbing wall, a massive hamster wheel (which was the most horrible experience ever, I couldn't get out!!), skipping game, wave machine that you had to get from one side of to the other, and a Gladiator game with big pieces of canvas that moved with as motor and tried to knock you off a balance beam. 

The pair of them spent ages in that section messing around, but after a while I was getting bored and it was freezing, so I suggested we actually started the main trail. It began with a wooden bridge with a metal balance bar, which got off to a good start as Max refused to cross it as he was scared! Luckily there was a 'pushchair route' so he spent the majority of the trail on that!

It took us about an hour and a half to complete the circular track, and along the way there were various obstacles, more bridges (some a bit too treacherous for us!) tunnels that were very muddy, roundabouts, mazes, a jailhouse with a trick door so that you got locked in, a rope swing across the stream which made me very nervous about Aum falling in, and beams that you had to shuffle across on your bum using your hands!

It was loads of fun, and good exercise too! It's perfect for all ages, as the obstacles are varying in difficulty, and what kids don't love playing in muddy conditions running around and enjoying themselves? Max had a bit of a trip in some brambles, which he insisted on reminding us of at frequent intervals, but apart from that there were no injuries, which I thought was pretty good going!

After we had finished we stopped at the (cheap and cheerful) cafe/ food shack and had a sausage roll, crisps and flapjacks, and I got a hot drink to warm my freezing fingers! All of it came to £5.50, which considering over summer I spent £30 on pizzas at Chester Zoo I thought was an absolute bargain!

Crocky Trail was a really good day out for all the family and I would highly recommend it. It is pretty crude and basic though, so if you're not prepared to rough it and get dirty, then I'd suggest you give this one a miss!

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Days Out...

Stockley Farm, Cheshire

Today Aum and I drove to Stockley Farm in Cheshire. We got there for half eleven and looked around the animal shed to begin with. There were goats, calves, chickens, adorable piglets and an amazing Highland Cow called Lulu. There was also a Pets Corner where Aum got to stroke a rabbit and a goat, and they had a hedgehog, chinchilla, degus and a polecat!

Then we headed over to the barn where we bottle fed some goats which was sweet, and we bumped into Aum's friend Conor from school which kept him entertained.

We had taken a packed lunch so ate that next, and then I got a cup of tea and millionaire shortbread whilst Aum played on the outdoor play park, which had an aerial runway that he loved.

When I finally dragged him away we went to see the rest of the animals - horses, birds of prey and cows. He had a ride of an electronic digger in the sandpit, and then played on the indoor play area for what seemed like ages (I was freezing as it was only inside a barn!) - there was a bouncy castle/ assault course and a hay bale fort where you could climb up and jump off the walls.

I managed to grab him off at half three and we drove home, super tired and very muddy, but I was really impressed at the facilities and amount to do for the money you pay (entry for us both was £16.50). I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for something to occupy the kids, especially if there is a variety of ages as there really is something to entertain everyone!

Sunday 17 February 2013

Weekly Update

Caviar, Buckets & Piercings!

This week has been another good one! On Monday the pub was dead so I finished at 9pm which was appreciated as I was really tired after the weekend. On Tuesday I went to the gym and for a swim in the evening, and got some gorgeous sushi for tea at the country club - king crab and asparagus roll with scallop cerviche and caviar. I had a chilled one that night and on Wednesday did Body Pump and tried hot yoga for the first time. It was good, but was a lot faster than any yoga I've done before so not sure I benefited as much. Also the heat made me feel a little woozy, so not my favourite class! That evening I went out for drinks in town with Phil which was nice, although I completely bailed at one point - rather embarrassing... (pretty funny though!)

On Thursday I did Bokwa again, though I was disappointed to learn that it is being cancelled due to unpopularity which is a shame, it's one of the only quasi dance classes that I am coordinated enough to do! In the evening I went out with Abi and her sister Anna (see previous post). On Friday I did a Body Combat class that was ridiculously draining, but at least I felt like I had properly worked out. In the evening Mo came round and I made us some nachos and fajitas which was tasty, and then we got drunk! It was cool just to chat and have a few bevvies without spending loads by going out.

On Saturday evening I got ready and got a lift to Emily and Smeed's with Tasha and we had a few drinks before going into town for a night out. We were going to go back to Revolucion de Cuba, but the queue was huge so we went to Liars Club instead. Tasha and I scored a £30 bucket cocktail for £20 because someone had changed their order, and luckily it was delicious. It was meant for upto six people so lasted us the entire night, and got us pretty hammered, and the music being played was a proper blend, so we all had a really fun night. We headed home at 2.30am falling asleep in the taxi! Annoyingly I caught one of my bellybutton microdermal piercings when I was getting into bed, and it half came out, luckily it didn't hurt though.

The following day once I was up and ready I went into Manchester to try and get my piercing sorted. Unfortunately they were fully booked up for the day, and also said I would have to have it removed and re-pierced, so that's £40 wasted! In an attempt to make my journey more worthwhile/ cheer myself up, I stopped in Costa Coffee for a lemonade and to read my book, and then met up with Mo for a hot chocolate as he was working in town. Afterwards I drove home and had a quiet evening with an early-ish night as I was knackered!

Friday 15 February 2013

Nights Out...

Valentines Day

Every year when Valentine's Day looms I have mixed feelings. On the one hand I can remember spending them with my first boyfriend in High School, when we used to do the whole presents and cards shebang (there may even have been poetry involved too - cringe!) back when love was new and exciting.

It was therefore a complete change when my second boyfriend at university was so against the holiday that we didn't even see each other on the day, and I spent four Valentine's sat in by myself watching crappy TV and eating Haribo.

So this year, as my first V-Day single since being fourteen (gosh!) I wasn't really too bothered. With it being on a Thursday, I worked until half six anyway, and then had planned to head home and spend the evening like any other. However, my friend Abi mentioned that she was going out with her sister in Hale and invited me, so I thought I'd bob along.

The restaurant we went to is quintessentially family orientated, so there were very few couples cooing at each other over their starters, and there wasn't any hostility at three girls taking up a much valued table (especially good as I wasn't eating). I ordered a gin and lemonade and was chatted up by the fat Italian waiter, who invited me to Levenshulme after he had finished work. Needless to say I declined.

We shared a cheesy garlic bread, and then the girls had a main each (I had already eaten at Aum's, who incidentally was the only boy who wished me 'Happy Valentine's Day' without intention!). I decided to get a dessert though, as I didn't want to push my luck delaying the growing queue outside, and I am a sucker for a good cake. I opted for the caramel pavlova with ice cream, which was gorgeous, despite being over half my daily calorie allowance!

We got the bill, skipping the awkward Valentine's conversation over who would pay, and then headed home to empty beds. It may not have been candlelit and rose filled Valentine's Day, but do you know what? I much prefer pavlova anyway; especially when it means I can keep my options open!

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Winter Reads...

Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides - 3 stars ***

This book was one purchased from a charity shop, as The Virgin Suicides by the same author is one of my favourite books. This one is considerably longer, and tells the story of Calliope, a hermaphrodite who is born and lives as a girl until she is fourteen, when the discovery of her sex causes her to run away from home.

I must admit this book took me quite a long time to get into, but about halfway through I found it impossible to put it down. The action becomes more gripping as Calliope slowly succumbs to her feelings and accepts who she is. She develops a close relationship with a girl at school who she refers to as 'The Object' and slowly it becomes apparent that the feelings she has for her are more than platonic. The descriptions that Eugenides uses convey her close observation of the girl she is so in love with:

'As we revolved on our towels that summer, self-basting, the Object's freckles darkened, going from butterscotch to brown. The skin between them darkened, too, knitting her freckles together into a speckled harlequin mask.'

Calliope's world is torn apart however, when her parents learn about her condition and arrange for sex reassignment surgery to make her a girl. Feeling that she is actually supposed to live as a male, she cuts off her hair and renames herself Cal, leaving the Object behind to run away from home:

'It was unquestionably a male face, but the feelings inside that boy were still a girl's. To cut off your hair after a breakup was a feminine reaction. It was a way to start over, to renounce vanity, to spite love. I knew that I would never see the Object again. Despite bigger problems, greater worries, it was heartbreak that seized me when I first saw my male face in the mirror. I thought: it's over. By cutting off my hair I was punishing myself for loving someone so much. I was trying to be stronger.'

The beginning of the book explains the back story to Cal's tale, going into a lot of detail about her grandparents marriage and consequent emigration to America (who were brother and sister, which caused the chromosome abnormality leading to her condition) and her family history, which personally I didn't find as entertaining as the remainder of the book. I preferred the sections detailing more recent events, such as her schooling, when she runs away and the story of her relationship with the Object etc. It was nice to create an in depth character for her grandmother though, who lives with the family, and who, at the end, is one of the only people who accepts Cal without question, and finally explains the secret that makes everything fall into place. I particularly enjoyed this description towards the last few pages of the book, as it seemed a poignant and significant conclusion for the book to express upon coming to the close:

'The lesson of Desdemona's suffering and rejection of life insisted that old age would not continue the manifold pleasures of youth but would instead be a long trial that slowly robbed life of even its smallest, simplest joys. Everyone struggles against despair, but it always wins in the end. It has to. It's the thing that lets us say goodbye.'

Despite the hazy start, I really liked this book, and am very surprised at the vast difference it has in comparison with The Virgin Suicides. Now that Jeffrey Eugenides has written a third book, I shall be searching it out in order to further my opinion of his work.

Sunday 10 February 2013



This weekend, a few of my old uni friends/ flatmates came to stay to make the most of my current free house. There were six of them altogether, travelling from Guildford, Oxford, Crewe, Northampton, Newcastle and good ol' Stretford. Given the distance, as you can imagine we don't all meet up that often, in fact the last time this many of the group all got together was at Timna's 21st on New Years Eve 2011, which I spent in London so couldn't make, so it was lovely to see so many familiar faces.

Everyone arrived late on the Friday so we stayed in and had a (relatively) quiet one, although that still involved sleeping at 3.30am! On Saturday I woke up earlyish to give Laura a lift to the met stop as she was going to meet one of her bridesmaids in town for lunch. The rest of us slowly surfaced, and had showers etc before Chris made us all a weird egg/pepper/mushroom/salami omelette kinda thing, which was super tasty!

We headed into the city centre at around 2pm, and had some lunch at Font bar, an old fave. I had a chicken burger with cheese and bacon with chips, and a gin cocktail (diet out the window for today...) and then afterwards we moved on to Temple Bar which is a tiny place down some inconspicuous stairs off Oxford Road, and used to be a public toilet! It did loads of the flavoured beers I've had before in the Belgian bar in Altrincham, so I chose cherry Kriek, one which I love.

We stayed in there for a while, and then Joe went off to meet Laura for some shopping while the rest of us went on to Brewdog bar, which is famed for all its ales (lots of which are ridiculously strong!). I had a 'raspberry' beer, which really wasn't good. The rest of the boys chose various concoctions, none of which they were impressed with, so we moved swiftly on. We were heading in the direction of Hard Rock, but time was getting on and it was a fair walk, so we decided to stop in Wetherspoons on Deansgate for a last one before heading back to mine. We met up with Joe and Laura who had done quite a spree, and then all got the met home where we ate lots of pizzas and started getting ready.

By the time I had spruced up it was getting quite late, so we started playing some drinking games to get a bit merry before going out. We got a taxi at 11pm to The Alchemist in Spinningfields, but Geoff didn't get in (casual T-shirt issues!) so him and Chris went to a pub while the rest of us enjoyed some cocktails. I had a Garden Martini which was Hendricks gin, rose liqueur, St. Germain elderflower, lemon juice and was topped with lavender foam and cucumber, and then I got a French Martini which had vodka, Chambord and cranberry juice in topped with pineapple foam and raspberry dust - I could have drunk them all night. Laura and I also got shots of this green stuff called Akwa, which is apparently made from the same plant as cocaine!

At just gone midnight we moved on to Venue to finish the night which was good; decent music and £1.60 vodka mixers - can't complain! We got taxis home at 3am, and attempted to carry on drinking but failed miserably, favouring bed instead.

The next day we were slightly later rising, and enjoyed a cooked breakfast (thanks Geoff!) before everyone started getting their stuff together ready to leave. The last lot went at half 2, leaving me with a very quiet, and surprisingly un-messy, house to myself. I really enjoyed the company and doing lots of catching up; probably the next time will be at Laura's wedding in July, which is very exciting!!

Weekly Update!

Buck Rarebit, Bokwa & Booze!

This week was my first full one at home alone with Mum and Dad being in Trinidad, which has been good! On Monday I got a bit of a lie in before going to collect Aum from Pontefract, and I dropped him off and then went to the Trafford Centre for some phone chargers from the Apple shop (rip off!).

On Tuesday I tried the new gym out for the first time - amazing! I did a proper workout: run, weights, floorwork and then went for a swim whilst Aum had his lesson too. We ate at the restaurant, this time I had salmon with sweet potatoes and broccoli which was lovely, if a little small. On Wednesday I did a good class called Body Pump that really worked me hard, and then I went for lunch at Cafe Gourmand with Rick from uni who was nearby for the day. I had Buck Rarebit, which was basically normal Welsh Rarebit but with two poached eggs on top, served with salad with a really tasty zingy dressing, it was amazing! Rick then came with me to get Aum, which was a little weird but not bad, and then he drove home afterwards. In the evening my friend Mo came round and we just chilled out which was nice, was good to have some company in the house.

On Thursday I did a cool class called Bokwa (supposedly the new Zumba) where you moved in shapes of numbers and letters to music which was all really up-to-date, I loved it! The instructor had an amazing body as well, so here's hoping it does the trick. In the evening I didn't really do much, just sorted the house out properly for people coming to stay tomorrow and then caught an early night to stock up on sleep!

On Friday I went to a Body Sculpt class with the campest instructor ever! It was good fun though. After I had showered I went to Tesco on a booze run (£93's worth!) then had my nails done for the first time in a month before collecting Aum. It's so nice for them to be presentable again, I chose a lovely bright red as they are short so look better either dark shades or red. I popped in to see Abi for a cuppa and a homemade strawberry cupcake on the way home from work which was really nice, we had a proper catch up and I filled her in on all the gossip. I finished sorting out beds and stuff, and then went to collect Brian and Amanda from the met stop at around half 8. Geoff and Chris got stuck in a traffic jam, and Laura and Joe's train wasn't arriving until 11pm, so we started drinking late, but continued catching up until the early hours, when a few were slightly worse for wear!

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Inspired by the past


Bodies meet that were apart,
the dregs of two who shared a heart.
Thoughts and feelings overgrown,
yet hands cling to what is known.
Fuelled by alcohol, led by lust,
ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Motions spin and juices flow -
forgotten sounds begin to grow.
The deed complete, what's done is dead;
the lost still left, a fucked up web.
Morning dry mouth, tangled limbs,
guilty thoughts speak unsaid things.
Back to bedrooms, slowly creep,
and next time pray to simply sleep.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Weekly Update!

Sushi, Ski Friends & Podium Dancing!

This week has been fairly hectic to be honest, I've packed a lot in! On Monday I met Rick for a coffee (this is Rick from Spar, from now on I'm guna call him Rick A) in Altrincham last minute, it was nice to have something to do during the day for a change.

The following day I had dinner at Hale Country Club again, but this time I went for something a bit more exotic - mussel and clam miso soup with cucumber, ginger and sea weed, and Loch Duart salmon nigiri sushi with beetroot syrup. Aums had his usual sausages with chips followed by a S'mores board! It was all delicious and nice to try something new.

On Wednesday it was payday (hooray!) and I dyed my hair as Mum and Dad went away early on Friday morning, so I needed my Mum's hairdressing services before she disappeared! On Thursday I watched Chained, the DVD I had to review for Candid, and wrote the article (see previous post) ready for the weekend. I got £40 deposit back from skiing too which was a bonus!

Friday was probably my busiest day, not only did I do my normal job, but I collected Aum at midday to go to his grandparents, took Smeed to the airport, popped to the gym to sort out my membership starting early, had my car valeted, dropped Benn's camera at his house, and went shopping at the Trafford Centre - phew! 

I didn't buy very much, just some much needed MAC makeup and a cool pair of pink snakeskin print trousers from Zara's sale for £13. In the evening I collected Jasmine from the station as she was home for the weekend, and then got ready for a night out. Tasha and Lydia (who was also home) predrank at mine, and then we got a taxi to the Northern Quarter. We met up with Luke, one of the ski reps we made friends with whilst we were in Andorra - it was fun to catch up and get (very) drunk with him! Lydia and I stayed at his and got a lift back the next day; we made lots of crappy hangover food and then I went back to bed!

In the evening I drove Jas and I to Manchester and we went for some food and a drink at Footage with Hendo and Geoff who was visiting for the weekend. We left them to go and watch Anberlin (see previous post) and then afterwards I dropped her off at the Metrolink before driving to Hendo's to dump my car for the night. We went to axm in the Gay Village with a couple of his mates which was a fun night, we danced on the podiums loads! I stayed at Hendo's with Geoff and then drove back this morning.

I dropped Jas off back at the station at 1pm, and then bummed around for a bit at home; Lydia popped round for a chat before heading back to Hull tomorrow, and I made a lasagne before going to a friends in the evening to chill out which was nice. Bloody good week!

Winter Sounds...

Anberlin at Manchester Academy 3

Last night I went to see Anberlin for the second time with my sister at Manchester Academy 3. It is the smallest of the three venues, so was very intimate which was cool. The band were supported by The Getaway Plan and The Xcerts, who were both decent, the latter's lead singer having a voice reminscent of Biffy Clyro's frontman.

Anberlin didn't come on until half 9, which I was surprised at, but with it being a Saturday perhaps the licensing rules are slightly different meaning they can play for longer. They had loads of energy, and the lead singer and bassist are well hot! They played a really good mix of old and new stuff, including Never Take Friendship Personal, Dismantle.Repair, We Owe This To Ourselves, To The Wolves, Little Tyrants, The Feelgood Drag, Readyfuels and a load more. To say they came on quite late, they still only played an hours set which was a little disappointing, but they were so good live, that I wasn't too bothered.

The one great thing about this gig was that because it was such a small venue, and the band are relatively unknown, everyone that was there were clear fans. People were singing along, getting involved in all the pits and really cheering on the band, so the atmosphere was electric and it was great to be a part of such an awesome crowd. I'm just hoping it's not another two years until they come back like last time!

Friday 1 February 2013