Sunday 14 April 2013

Weekly Update!

Skating, Pizzas & Takeaway

This week Aum has been off school, so we've had some fun. On Monday we went ice skating which was quite an experience! I have been a few times before, but it was Aum's first go, so it was pretty difficult as I had to skate really slowly next to him, and stay stable if he fell to pick him up. After a couple of hours he had got the hang of it quite a bit though, so it will be interesting to take him again sometime to see how much he can improve. 

On Tuesday he had golf in the morning so I had chance to get to the gym. In the afternoon I picked him up and collected his friend and we went to Pizza Hut for lunch. I had the buffet which I have never done before, it's such good value! It was £6.99 for all you can eat, and includes two types of pasta, four types of pizza and a decent salad buffet too. Afterwards I took them home and they just played on the Wii until his friend was collected.

On Wednesday my mum was off work and my grandpa had come to stay, so with them and Aum I went through to my Aunty Sarah's house in Chorley, where my two cousins were off school and were being looked after my my grandparents - proper family reunion! We had some lunch and then went to Worley Park which is huge and has mini golf and a miniature train as well. Afterwards we went to Puddletown Pirates, a play area at Botany Bay, which was really good and only £3.50 which I thought was brilliant. That evening I forced myself to the gym and got a personal best on my cycling, so it was worth the effort!

On Thursday Aum had golf again and then he had another friend round, this time I took them to Pizza Express. It was awful for me as I was dining out in Manchester that night, so had to sit through them eating tasty pizza with nothing in front of me! It was worth the wait though, as Australasia was really tasty (see previous post). I also had a bit of a shopping splurge and bought a gorgeous leather jacket (£71.50 from £225), and some lace up Kurt Geigers (£29 from £150) in the Asos sale - bargains!

On Friday I had a lazy day at work and then in the evening I went out for some drinks at Costello's in Goose Green with Rick A. We had a good catchup and a laugh, and I got far too drunk, to the extent that my neighbour who is 18 had to walk me home when she bumped into me getting out of the taxi!

Yesterday I saw Mo for a while during the day, and then went for a run and Lydia popped round in the evening. We watched rubbish TV and got a Chinese takeaway, and just chilled out which was nice, and good for my purse as I am so skint at the moment! Today I have done lots of little jobs, such as setting up my charity donation page (, cleaning my room and the rabbit, and I made a tasty cherry clafoutis, even if we had to salvage it to begin with as mum put it under the grill by mistake!

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