Sunday 21 April 2013

Weekly Update!

A Pub Reunion, Tatton Walk & Flat Viewing!

It was nice to ease back into routine this week with Aum being back at school, certainly gave me more time to myself! Aside from that though, it also meant I could get back into the gym properly, I have just three weeks left now until my triathlon, so training is in full swing. On Monday I did a Body Pump class, and then caught up with a few errands that got neglected last week as I was so busy at work. The following day I did an hour long cycle, though unfortunately the film was Saving Private Ryan, which isn't the most motivational, or easy to just see an hour in the middle of! 

That evening Aum and I ate at Hale Country Club; this week I chose a quinoa, green bean and teriyaki beef salad, with a side of edamame beans in a chilli dressing. The salad was very nicely presented, and had a surprising amount of meat in it, I never know what to expect with the dishes there, as some have been tiny and others too much for me to eat! It also had spring onion, pepper, chilli and lime juice on it so felt quite summery and refreshing. 

As I am there every week, the staff always chat to me and are very friendly, and this week I was brought out a sample of some edamame beans in a new lime, ginger and honey dressing. I actually preferred them to the ones I had ordered, as the sweetness of the honey was counteracted with the zestiness of the lime, and they were much more flavoursome than the chilli version. I suppose it would depend on how subtle you like the dressing to be.

On Wednesday I had a meeting with my building society about obtaining a mortgage, which is all very exciting. Though I can't get the amount I initially wanted, it is enough for a flat (as opposed to my plan of a terraced house) so when I met my parents afterwards for a coffee we had a look at what was available, and I set up a couple of viewings. It will be very strange looking around somewhere as a potential buyer rather than just giving a second opinion on somewhere my parents are thinking of getting. That evening after an amazing chocolate summer berry pavlova made by mum, I did another cycle and reached a personal best which is always an accomplishment, this time the film was Invictus, which was surprisingly gripping for a film on rugby, which I have absolutely no interest in!

Thursday was a lovely day, I went for a relaxing sauna and jacuzzi at the gym in the morning, followed by my first swim in ages, which actually went pretty well. Then I met my friend Kirsty for cake and a catchup (see previous post) and in the evening I had my nails done (as I was having both done I went for a contrast, with pale pink fingers and neon pink toes) and then went to The Little B in Sale to do the pub quiz. As is usually the case we didn't do amazingly, but it's always the taking part that's the fun bit anyway!

On Friday I felt a bit ill so skipped my Body Combat class, which is a shame as it is one of my favourites. I perked up in the afternoon though, and by the evening was ready for a couple of drinks with two of the girls I used to work with at the pub. We went to Hogan's in Hale, which was dead when we arrived at 8pm, but livened up as the night went on, and I bumped into Tasha there which was pretty funny - we shouted at each other and practically the whole place turned to look at us, whoops! I wasn't out too late, and got a lift home from Mo who then stayed at mine.

Yesterday was my favourite day of the week, as not only was the sun shining, but after a good brunch of fried eggs and toast, I went for a lovely walk around Tatton Park with Mo, (stopping for an ice lolly halfway) and then on the way home we called into The Bells Of Peover, a gorgeous pub set next to a church in really beautiful surroundings. I got a glass of wine and we sat on a table in a secluded little bit of grass next to a pagoda and some weeping willows and just soaked up the sun and had a natter. I've got quite a lot done this week, so I felt like I could completely chill out and not have to worry about anything. In the evening after I had driven us home I went to watch a good production of Spring Awakening with Hannah (see previous post) and then we grabbed a quick drink at Hale Bar and Grill before I stayed at Mo's for the night.

Today has been quite a lazy day, I left Mo's just after midday, and came home as I had my first flat viewing. I tried to keep an open mind with it being the first one, but I love it! I've got a few more next week though, so I'll wait until I've got ones to compare it to before making a decision. Afterwards I came home and chilled out, I attempted to write an article on a documentary I had been given to watch, but my internet was playing up and after I had only seen three minutes in an hour, I decided to give it a miss! I'm just about to go round to Mo's to watch Wreck It Ralph, aided with chocolate buttons, good end to a good week!

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