Sunday 7 April 2013

Weekly Update!

Triathlon Attempts & Poptastic!

This week's post is going to be rather short, mainly due to the fact that I was struggling to come up with anything to write about previously this week, so had to use things I would normally natter on about in my Weekly Update as individual entries. However, on Monday evening I watched the new Game Of Thrones (very good) and on Tuesday I attempted my first try at the full distance cycle/ run for my triathlon. I did the 23km cycle but couldn't complete the run, though I still managed 4km out of 5.6km so was happy with my performance. In the afternoon I went for a nice coffee with Abi as she was off to Spain on holiday on Wednesday.

On Wednesday I had a really tasty tea of black pudding with chorizo, potatoes with bacon, and a fried egg, and then Mo came round for the evening. On Thursday I had my nails done a nice dark grey with metallic glitter over the top, and then drove down South for a couple of days (see previous post).

I got back yesterday and had time to get ready fairly speedily before heading out for the night. A massive group of us went round to my friend Ellie's for pre drinks, and then we got a minibus to Poptastic in town. I genuinely had one of the best nights in a long time, it was lovely catching up with people I don't see very often, and then Poptastic was playing some really old school songs and drinks were only £1.80. Definitely can't complain! 

Today I stayed in bed until 1pm, then lounged around this afternoon before Mo came round and we had an amazing roast dinner complete with rhubarb crumble and custard for dessert. I may be back at work tomorrow, but that took my mind off it for a good half an hour!

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