Sunday 28 April 2013

Weekly Update!

Domestic Goddessing, Spa Days & Nights In!

This week has been quite fun, as I had stuff to do on a couple of the nights for a change. Monday and Tuesday were quiet, except the usual meal at Hale Country Club on Tuesday, where I had mackerel, orange and chilli nigiri sushi, accompanied by baked cod in miso-yuzu with sautéed shiitake mushrooms and spring onion. I am not usually a fan of mixing sweet and savoury things, but the orange added a really nice flavour to the mackerel sushi, and the miso-yuzu sauce on the cod was incredible, it gave a new twist to the normally common and plain tasting fish.

On Wednesday I fancied playing domestic goddess after work, so made a Greek lamb pie with Greek salad followed by crème brulee, for Mum, Mo and I. The pie was basically lamb mince, ratatouille (home-made of course!) and a few other vegetables that were lying around all chucked together in a pie to fry off, and then put in a dish and topped with puff pastry. It was quick and simple to make, yet felt like I had made an effort, and got good feedback from the taste testers! Unfortunately the brulees didn't go quite as well, as I failed to make them in advance as planned, so had to put them in at the same time as the pie, and the oven was too hot for them, resulting in a slightly scrambled consistency. Luckily they still tasted fine, and the top was perfectly crackable with blow-torched sugar, which is my favourite part!

On Thursday evening after work Emily, Ellie and Jason came round to mine for some predrinks and then we went out to Factory in Manchester. It was Emily's and Jason's day off, and Ellie had handed her dissertation in that day, so everyone was pretty drunk, I felt like the sensible one for a change! I had tea and crumpets before bed when I got in, so felt positively peachy the following morning, even if I did struggle to stay awake in my (really dull and totally unenergetic)Pilates class. 

After my class I went to look around the flat I've been coveting since I saw it last week, and signed the contract to reserve it, so I am now an official homeowner, very exciting! That evening Mo and I stayed in and had a little feast including cheesy nachos, Krispy Kremes and jelly sweets - I've not had a night with so much bad food in for ages, it was bliss!

On Saturday I paid to take Mo as a guest to the country club - we both did separate workouts, and then met up to do all of the sauna, steamroom, jacuzzi etc which was fun, and a cool different thing to do on a Saturday afternoon. We stayed in again that evening and had a bottle of wine and watched a film, I think because I went out on Thursday I felt like I had an extended weekend, so wasn't too bothered about not going out again.

Today we have been to the point to point horse racing at Tabley House (see previous post) which was been loads of fun; the rest of the gang have just left after an amazing Indian feast courtesy of mum including home-made onion bhajis, poppadoms, and two types of curry. A genuinely really enjoyable weekend!

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