Thursday 8 August 2013


Welcome home Miss Cox!

Last night I had a dinner party to celebrate the return of Hana, one of our best friends who moved to Australia in October. She is over for a week for her dad's wedding, but her schedule is pretty tight so we were lucky to get a whole night with her!I picked her up on my way home from work, so by 6pm we were sat in the garden sipping prosecco, just like old times!

Everyone else arrived at about half seven, by which time we had nearly finished the bottle! Emily and Smeed had made some amazing garlic bread (dough and all!) for starters, one plain and one which had cheese on, and then for main my mum very kindly cooked to save me having to stay in the kitchen all night. She made two dishes, a creamy risotto which had squash, carrot, celery and onion in; and a tomato based knocchi dish with courgette and onion which she then oven baked. There were also two different types of chicken (one with fennel and garlic, one with red pesto) which could be added to either dishes. Everyone commented on how tasty it all was - definitely better than I could have done!

We had a breather then, and chatted over wine (which we went through 3 bottles of!) before dessert, a super indulgent chocolate fudge cake that Tasha had bought. We had it with ice cream and cream, and were all well and truly stuffed afterwards. We sat around until 11pm, when people had to leave as they had work early this morning.

It was so lovely to catch up with Hana's amazing new life in Oz, and to get everyone that is still based around here together. It was also nice for me to introduce her to Mo, as we obviously weren't together when she left. Having it at home besides being cheaper, was also so much easier - no fussing over bills and menus, or who orders first etc. It's just a shame it was such a flying visit, next time we'll see her will probably be if we go over there to visit!

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