Sunday 4 August 2013

Weekly Update!

Bowling, Barbecues & Bar Crawls!

It was back to work this week, but not so bad as it's the school holidays so I get to have fun with Aum, and his cousin was visiting from Singapore so I had two which always makes things easier. On Monday I took them bowling at the Trafford Centre. I was hopeless as usual, but seen as the boys had the bumpers up and used the ramp, I didn't have much hope anyway! We went to Costa for a drink and cake afterwards before I dropped them at their grandparents in Oldham. That evening Mo and I watched the last Harry Potter, who knows what we'll find to watch now!

On Tuesday I got a bit of a later start, as I didn't need to leave to collect the boys until half past 8. They were at tennis all day, but we went to the Country Club afterwards for Aum's swimming lesson so had dinner there - I had salt and pepper squid again with chunky chips, this time it was mainly tentacles instead of rings, and the batter was delicious!

On Wednesday I didn't do much, I had a free taster personal training session in the morning which was good, but she charges £50 an hour so I won't be keeping it up regularly!

On Thursday I had a surprise day off as Aum went to Liverpool with his Uncle and cousin, so Mum and I went to Ikea to get some ideas for my flat. I found lots I liked, but couldn't buy anything as I have nowhere to keep it until move in day, and don't know space sizes yet which is frustrating! In the evening we had a lovely barbecue, and Mo came round to join us. We had tomato sausages, lamb burgers, pork ribs and loads of salad bits - yum! 

Friday was a quiet affair, Mo came round and we just had a few drinks in the garden in the sunshine. On Saturday we went out for lunch (see previous post) and then in the evening we went for a couple in Sale at The Kings Ransom and The Steamhouse, which had live music. I wore a new pair of white with pale blue pinstripe trousers I got for a bargain from Matalan (£7.50) with my coral coloured crop top from H&M. 

Tasha and I got a met into town afterwards and went to Grand Pacific, Australasia's new bar in Spinningfields that is really swanky. It has a huge cocktail menu and a lovely outdoor area in a cruiseliner style with massive white leather seats, so we stayed for a while before moving on to Long Bar, a pop up joint for summer which does tasty cocktails for just £6. It is outside with deck chairs and a really relaxed vibe, so was a welcome newbie to the scene. We were going to try Neighbourhood but the queue was enormous, and Alchemist stops letting in at half twelve, so we just got a taxi home afterwards.

It was nice to wake up today without a hangover! Jasmine and I went into Manchester for a shop around Primark, I got a gorgeous statement necklace for £3 in the sale, as well as a black velvet patterned body that will look great on my holiday!

We met up with Mo and went to Costa for a drink, then had a Chinese buffet at this dodgy little place in Piccadilly Gardens, which was cheap but decent for lunch. Then we headed home and chilled out in the evening.

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