Sunday 11 August 2013

Weekly Update!

Numberplates & Brunch!

This week started nicely on Monday with lunch at the Country Club, where I had kimchee spiced tuna sushi rolls with spicy mayonnaise off the specials board. The tuna was in big juicy chunks and tasted really fresh so it was a good choice. On Tuesday I got my new numberplate put on, which I'm really happy with, and then stayed at Mo's in the evening.
Wednesday was when I had everyone round for our little Aussie reunion with Hana (see previous post) and both Thursday and Friday were pretty subdued, just gymmed during the day and then chilled out in the evenings, reading a lot of my latest book, The Help (bit behind with the times I know!).

On Saturday I picked Mo up from the station after his night in London; he was rather worse for wear so we just chilled out at mine and watched Drive which was quite good. In the evening I managed to drag him out for some drinks with the girls and Smeed; Abi was home for the weekend so we had some wine in Piccolino's and caught up with all her London news.

Today has been another lazy day, though we met up with everyone from last night as well as Hannah and her friend Tink in Cafe Gourmand for some brunch - which was basically lunch seen as we met at 12.30pm! I had eggs Royale which was lovely as usual, if a little large for a portion, and then I chilled out at Mo's for a bit before heading home for a roast dinner, followed by homemade lemon drizzle cake!

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