Sunday 11 August 2013

Summer Reads...

The Help by Kathryn Stockett - 4 stars ****

This book has been on my shelf for a while since my mum lent it to me after she had finished it. A few of my friends have read The Help and said it is excellent, and if my mum completed it then it must be good, as she is not much of a reader!

The story is set in the 50s, and is about a young wannabe journalist called Eugenia Phelan (known as Skeeter) in Jackson, Mississippi, who, struggling for inspiration, decides to write a book about what is is like for black maids to work for white families. It is a subject that was particularly taboo at the time, made worse by the fact that she is writing it from the perspective of the maids, through conducting interviews with them, a task that must be kept secret as it is deemed 'socially unacceptable' for races to mix.

The book is written with each few chapters from different characters' perspectives - Skeeter, Aibeleen, (her best friend's help) and Minny, another maid known for her outspoken opinions and difficulty keeping a position due to it. It not only tells the tale from both sides, but also provides three very different characters that each have their own trials and secrets.

This book really opened my eyes to how horrendous life must have been for black maids and their families, as it is a topic I have very little knowledge of. I found it heartwarming, encouraging and  at times embarrassing at the level of prejudice and bigotry that used to exist (and sadly still does in some places). 

This wasn't my usual read, but I am  glad I picked it up - I read it cover to cover in just three days, something I haven't done in a very long time! I am also curious to watch the film now too, as that has similar rave reviews.

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