Sunday 18 August 2013

Weekly Update!

Soft Shell Crab, Dim Sum & Banana Bread!

This week was the first week of the school holidays where I had some entertaining to do! On Monday we went to Sealife (see previous post) and in the evening I babysat so we got a Chinese takeaway from Man Zen. On Tuesday Aum was pretty tired so we had a chilled day before his swimming lesson in the evening, and then we ate at the country club. I tried a starter, which was actually big enough for a main! It was deep fried soft shell crab which was served with a wasabi slaw; the crab was beautiful but I wasn't a fan of the slaw - far too strong and spicy.

On the Friday after I finished work (an easy day spent watching Planes!) I drove to Wilmslow and caught a train to London to see Abi. She met me at the tube and we went to Hampstead to a restaurant called Dim T for some food. It was a really cute little restaurant, we were sat at a small table in the corner, and had some tasty cocktails whilst we perused the menu. I went for one with prosecco and apple, whilst Abi's was rum and coconut.

The restaurant is well known for its Dim Sum (hence the name) so I felt I had to try some, so went for the scallop and prawn dumplings which were amazing. You got 3 in a reed basket for £3.50 which I thought very reasonable, and I followed this with Nasi Goreng, a rice dish with chicken and prawn that I have had a few times at Wagamama so knew I liked it. We got the tube home afterwards and got an early night as we were both shattered from working all week!

The following day we went to a little cafe for brunch called Ginger & White, where I opted for the toasted banana bread with vanilla cream cheese and fresh raspberries, drizzled with honey. It was nice to have something a bit different for breakfast, and the flavours complimented each other gorgeously, I could have eaten another portion! 

Afterwards we went to an arts festival in Hackney (see next post) and after some really nice fish and chips for tea, Tasha arrived in the evening and we got ready for a night on the town. We had a few predrinks and then went to Electric Ballroom in Camden which was a really fun night, great dancey music which was perfect for a girly night.

Today we had a later start, packed and went for brunch again; this time to the cafe next door to the one we'd tried the previous day. I had poached eggs with toast and prawns - sounds like a weird combination but actually worked, and filled me up for the day. I took the chance whilst I was in London to catch up with Danielle from uni for a coffee before catching a train home this evening. Was such a fun weekend, and really nice to get away and do something rather than being stuck as home doing the usual!

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