Saturday 30 November 2013

Nights Out...

Warehouse Project (Take 2!)

Last night I went to my second Warehouse Project, this time with two old uni mates and Mo, and at the last minute, two of our friends, James and Kelly. We had pizza and drinks at Mo's beforehand, and got into the actual building at 10.45pm after queuing in the freezing cold for 45 minutes!

S.P.Y were on when we got into the front room, and after purchasing a bottle of wine just for me (!) we headed towards the front. We had issues throughout the night with losing people and waiting around to find them, which was a bit of a pain, but still managed to see Camo & Krooked, High Contrast and half of Netsky, before Mo and I called it a day and went home at around 2am. 

At one point my phone seemed to have died and I couldn't find anyone, which sent me into a bit of a panic, but eventually I bumped into Mo so it was all OK in the end. Two bottles of wine takes it toll after a while! It was a really good night, probably better than last week's purely as I stayed longer and can remember more. I have no more tickets for events this year, but will definitely be buying at least one for a Warehouse Project next year after having so much fun at these two!

Sunday 24 November 2013

Weekly Update!

Metafit, Kangaroo & Laser Quest!

This week has been pretty jam packed. On Tuesday I tried a new gym class called Metafit, which was similar to circuits in that it involved a series of exercises in timed routines. It was fun but quite difficult; I would do it again though. That evening I ate at the country club as usual -  I had Thai fishcakes with soy-chilli edamame beans, while Aum had pork and prawn fire sticks. Mine was delicious, I'm glad they got rid of the coriander that was in the previous recipe.

On Wednesday I went shopping in Manchester. I met Mo for lunch at a place in the Northern Quarter called Pie & Ale, which had some amazing pies including the one I had which had kangaroo and black pudding in. Mo opted for a rabbit and black pudding one which was similarly yummy, although I would have felt bad eating it with Saffy at home! They also did variations with camel, horse and chicken with chorizo; definitely tempted to return to try one of those. The pastry was incredible and service very fast, I would recommend it to anyone in the area after a hearty meal. On Thursday I met Abi for coffee in Costa,  and then had my nails done a bright teal colour.

On Friday after a few drinks in Font Bar, I went to see Editors with Amanda at Manchester Academy (see previous post). They were amazing and played a solid 90 minute set. I stayed at Mo's and spent Saturday lounging around at mine before going to Warehouse Project, where I got very drunk and came home at 1.30am (see previous post!).  Today was Aum's party at Laser Quest in the Trafford Centre followed by Pizza Express nd an awesome Mario cake, and now I'm at Mo's having a lovely pork casserole for tea. Wasn't the nicest party when I felt so hungover, but was nice to enjoy the day with him!

Nights Out...

Warehouse Project

Last night I went to Victoria Warehouse in Salford Quays for my first ever Warehouse Project. Considering they have been going a good few years I really should have made it to one before now, and upon seeing the lineups this year I was determined to go. Last night's was headlined by Nero, who I have never seen but have heard good things about, and he was supported amongst others by Redlight and Jack Beats, both of whom I have seen before and loved. 

They strictly shut the doors at half past, so we didn't have much time beforehand to get the drinks pouring and get there to beat the queues! We managed to get in on time though, and after hitting the bar, went through to the main room, where Jack Beats were already on the decks. The crowd were starting to warm up for the main event, and the atmosphere was electric, with the bass pumping, people couldn't help but dance!

Unfortunately lack of any dinner and downing copious amounts of gin and wine in a rush took its toll, and by 1.30am I was hammered! I somehow managed to leave and get a taxi back to mos in the state I was in, but it meant that I missed most of Redlight's set, and couldn't remember Nero's! (It also is the reason why there aren't any photos from the night!) I am at another WHP next Friday, so at least I know to pace myself this time,and from what I can remember, I had a great night! 

Saturday 23 November 2013

Candid Article 42

Editors at Manchester Academy

Last night, I went to see Editors at Manchester Academy. Read my review of the gig for Candid Magazine here:

Sunday 17 November 2013

Weekly Update!

Hull, Leeds & Chilling Out!

This week I've been fairly busy, I babysat on a couple of nights, dyed my hair, gymmed a lot and had one packed weekend! On Tuesday at the Country Club I had beef and mushroom katsu roll with sesame dressing, which was really unusual, sort of a meat sushi roll covered in breadcrumbs. The dressing I wasn't a huge fan of, as it was very spicy and quite sweet, but I'm glad I tried it at least.

On Friday I took Aum to Pontefract, and so as I was halfway there I continued on to Hull to see my grandparents for dinner, and then stayed at Lydia's afterwards. We went out to a Caribbean place called Roots where we had cocktails, before moving onto another bar, and ending up in Sugarmill. It was a very messy night, I am covered in bruises from falling over multiple times, and had a stonking headache on Saturday! It was helped by a KFC for lunch, and then I drove to Leeds to see Jasmine for the evening. 

As I had to leave fairly early this morning, I didn't drink much last night, and came home at 2am with one of Jasmine's flatmates. It was still a fun night though, we went to Propaganda, and despite it being pretty dead inside, the music was good so we all had a sing-a-long. Today I have been at the Country Club with Emily, as I promised to take her as a birthday present way back in June. We went in the gym for a bit (tried a couple of new machines, the powerplate and the treadmaster - a treadmill with two tracks that moves up and down like stairs!), and then swam and went in the jacuzzi/ steam rooms. Was really nice and relaxing, and good to catch up with Emily. I have just finished a big roast dinner, and am off to Mo's for the night shortly, busy busy!

Saturday 16 November 2013

Autumn Reads...

Man and Boy by Tony Parsons - 2 stars **

This book has been sat on my shelf for a while, as I wasn't massively bothered about reading it based on the blurb. It sounded decent, but a little typical, and I like reading novels with a bit of depth. Not one to judge a book by its cover though, I eventually got around to reading it, and actually enjoyed it, finishing it in less than a week (the joys of short, simple books!).

It is about a man in his early thirties, who, bored by his mundane life, cheats on his wife, who subsequently packs off for a new job in Japan, leaving him to look after their four year old son, Paddy. It is a pretty stock story - he has to learn to be a father, deal with the guilt of having ruined his family life, and get back onto the dating scene, but it has some comedic moments, and the lead character Harry is believable and honest with the reader.

There are some issues I have with Man and Boy though. It contains lots of overt cliches - the ex wife gets with a new hot shot businessman, Harry loses his job as soon as he has been dumped, babysitters are gum-chewing chavs with piercings, gays are pink-wearing snakehipped dancers... you get the idea. Towards the end it also got quite preachy and OTT, throwing comments around about learning from mistakes, and saying that children are the most beautiful things on Earth, and that we have to learn to let go. Basically, it is a story to be taken with a pinch of salt, and though I won't be rushing out to buy the latest Tony Parsons instalment, it was a pleasant read that made me chuckle.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Autumn Views...

Gravity - 4 stars ****

I actually ended up seeing this on the day it came out, completely by chance, as the girls and me fancied a trip to the cinema and happened to notice this was playing. Although I'd seen the trailer a few times, it didn't quite register whilst I was buying the tickets, so I bypassed the 3D showing in favour of the cheaper 2D version, and then realised my mistake! We decided to see it anyway, and though I must admit it would have been a much better experience in 3D, it was still a great film.

It doesn't have a very complicated storyline, as the main focus is on the special effects, the 3D element and the massive build up of suspense throughout, which it creates very well - it was probably my most stressful and traumatic film experience! It takes place in space, where medical engineer Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) and astronaut Matt Kowalski (George Clooney) are stationed on a mission, when some debris hits them, killing their fellow crew member and separating them from their base, and each other. The next 75 minutes is the aftermath - every jaw dropping, heart pounding, adrenaline rushing minute of it.

Bullock steals the show as Ryan, who has to face her demons and push herself to the limits in order to survive, and Clooney is a loveable rogue providing some light comic relief from the catastrophe that ensues around him. I would urge anyone thinking of watching this movie to see it, and definitely opt for the 3D variation. There are so many moments when it could have turned something picturesque into something beautiful, and a quick intake of breath into a ' jump out of your seat' scene that it is worth the extra £2.50!

Sunday 10 November 2013

Weekly Update!

Fireworks, Amazing Cakes & Styal

This week it was back to school for Aum, which meant back to normal for me! On Monday I chilled out and made the most of having the days free again, watched a bit of TV and read my book. Tuesday was bonfire night, so after we had eaten at the country club (I had sesame crusted lemon sole with avocado and cucumber) I took Aum to Wythenshawe park, where we met Emily, Smeed, and Mo. Aum got a bit scared of the fireworks as they made him jump, so I had to spend the evening carrying him - not an easy feat when he's now nearly 7!

On Wednesday I babysat, and on Thursday I went to see Gravity with the girls (see next week's post) before staying at Mo's afterwards. On Friday we stayed in and got a takeaway and watched The Wolverine, which was average! 

On Saturday I got ready and met Jasmine in Manchester. She got some piercings, and then we went to Home Sweet Home for lunch. We got a Cookie Monster milkshake, and Eggs Cali to share (eggs benedict with avocado and red peppers) and then had a cake each. The eggs were done to perfection, with gorgeous gooey centres, and the avocado really went well with it. I had a strawberry sponge with cream soda flavoured icing, that had teddy bear shaped ice cream cones stuck in the top, and glittery sweets all over it. Jasmine got a ginger cake with latte frosting and waffles on top. 

They were both really tasty, although we had to take the remainder home as they were massive slices. There were also cakes flavoured with Sailor Jerry's and ginger, Japanese plants and fortune cookies, banana and chocolate, and chocolate and maple, as well as loads of biscuits and cupcakes -love the place! 

The weather was horrific, so we dashed between shops for a while (I got some amazing biker style leather look trousers from Zara!) before calling it a day and going home. That evening I put on a new outfit and went into Hale with Abi and Tasha to Hogan's and Suburbia, it's ages since I've been in there! Had a really fun night dancing, and it was helped by a few free drinks from a friend who works there.

Today I had a lie in, and then went for a lovely walk around Styal with Jasmine and Mum, luckily the weather has perked up today. We are just about to sit down to a roast dinner with apple crumble made by Jasmine - it's good to have her home!

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Candid Article 41

ARTPOP by Lady Gaga

For my most recent article, a review of Gaga's latest album, click here: 

Monday 4 November 2013

Autumn Views...

Thor : The Dark World - 4 stars ****

On Thursday I went to see Thor: The Dark World at Parrs Wood cinema with Mo. We weren't too bothered about it being in 3D, so opted for the 9pm showing to avoid it (and the expensive tickets!). I haven't seen the original Thor film, or The Avengers, so was a little dubious as to whether I would be missing out on some vital information to enjoy the film, but this was not the case. Though some things were a bit over my head, having only seen a few comic book based films, and read no original books, I understood the majority of the action and storyline, and would recommend it to others whether they are fans of Marvel or not.

This instalment (said because the ending of the film suggests there will be a third film) copes with the build up to what is known as the Convergence, where once every 5000 years all nine realms of Asgard (including Earth) align, creating portals between them. Jane Foster (love interest Natalie Portman) discovers one of these portals, and is sucked into it, and given exposure to a dark substance called Aether, hidden for thousands of years. An evil elf called Malekith (Christopher Eccleston in very good makeup!) senses the find, and awakes in order to capture the Aether to destroy Asgard. Thor (Chris Hemsworth) has to join forces with his shady war criminal of a brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) to defeat Malekith and restore peace to the nine realms.

One of the things I can commend Thor: The Dark World for, is the depth of plotline despite the brilliant special effects, as in previous films of this type I have seen, one takes a focus to the detriment of the other. I could have coped with it being a bit longer actually, as there were certain aspects that I felt could have been expanded upon, though these may have been explained in the first film.

There is quite a lot of comedy in this film too, which helped to lighten the scenes that were pretty heavygoing and fantasy based. It doesn't take itself too seriously, which is refreshing from a film of this genre. Worth a watch.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Weekly Update!

Zombies, MexicanRetail Therapy!

This week has been half term, so whilst there has been a distinct lack of gymming, it has been pretty fun filled. On Monday we had a lazy day, and then on Tuesday I took Aum and his two friends to see Turbo (see previous post). On Wednesday we went to The Manchester Museum as they have recently reopened The Vivarium, which is full of my favourites - frogs! We had lunch there (a very tasty pea and mint soup with homemade bread) and then came home in the afternoon. That evening I went to Mo's  just to chill out, as the full days of the holiday were getting the better of me!

On Thursday it was Halloween, so Aum went out for tea at Pizza Express dressed as a zombie followed by trick or treating, which made my day easier! After work Mo and I went to the cinema to see Thor, which I really enjoyed (see next week's post), and I ordered my sofas which got me quite excited about moving in... whenever that may be!

Friday was a quiet one, I just stayed in and chilled out with Mum, but on Saturday I went into Manchester with Mo for a bit of shopping and we went to the Northern Quarter for some lunch. I have a long list of places to try there, but we were feeling hungry so opted for Luck Lust Liquor & Burn, a Mexican that is currently playing host to Manchester's finest burger joint, Almost Famous, since it burnt down a couple of months ago. I had a shredded beef burrito with king prawns which was amazing, if a little spicy! Mo had an Almost Famous burger called the Killer Bacon Cheese, which had three burgers, bacon, cheese, chilli, chipotle sauce and baconnaise in, accompanied by their speciality bacon bacon fries. I would definitely recommend going there if you have a big appetite and  like your American food!

That evening I went for a few drinks in Altrincham with the girls. We started at the Belgian bar, then moved onto Bloom, where I bumped into some of my sisters friends so stayed out with them. Today I felt especially ropey, but forced myself out shopping with Mum. We went to a retail park near Denton which was really good and had lots of shops without the hassle of going to the Trafford Centre or Manchester.

I got quite a few things in the sales - a striped blouse, a vest top with a rib skeleton on it and a pair of partially shiny black jeans from H&M, and a multicoloured geometric print dress and turquoise leopard print pencil skirt from USC. All of it came to less than £60, so pretty good. Then we drove home and Mo joined us for a massive roast dinner with waffles and ice cream for dessert, and I am currently food comatosed in front of the TV!