Sunday 24 November 2013

Nights Out...

Warehouse Project

Last night I went to Victoria Warehouse in Salford Quays for my first ever Warehouse Project. Considering they have been going a good few years I really should have made it to one before now, and upon seeing the lineups this year I was determined to go. Last night's was headlined by Nero, who I have never seen but have heard good things about, and he was supported amongst others by Redlight and Jack Beats, both of whom I have seen before and loved. 

They strictly shut the doors at half past, so we didn't have much time beforehand to get the drinks pouring and get there to beat the queues! We managed to get in on time though, and after hitting the bar, went through to the main room, where Jack Beats were already on the decks. The crowd were starting to warm up for the main event, and the atmosphere was electric, with the bass pumping, people couldn't help but dance!

Unfortunately lack of any dinner and downing copious amounts of gin and wine in a rush took its toll, and by 1.30am I was hammered! I somehow managed to leave and get a taxi back to mos in the state I was in, but it meant that I missed most of Redlight's set, and couldn't remember Nero's! (It also is the reason why there aren't any photos from the night!) I am at another WHP next Friday, so at least I know to pace myself this time,and from what I can remember, I had a great night! 

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