Tuesday 12 November 2013

Autumn Views...

Gravity - 4 stars ****

I actually ended up seeing this on the day it came out, completely by chance, as the girls and me fancied a trip to the cinema and happened to notice this was playing. Although I'd seen the trailer a few times, it didn't quite register whilst I was buying the tickets, so I bypassed the 3D showing in favour of the cheaper 2D version, and then realised my mistake! We decided to see it anyway, and though I must admit it would have been a much better experience in 3D, it was still a great film.

It doesn't have a very complicated storyline, as the main focus is on the special effects, the 3D element and the massive build up of suspense throughout, which it creates very well - it was probably my most stressful and traumatic film experience! It takes place in space, where medical engineer Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) and astronaut Matt Kowalski (George Clooney) are stationed on a mission, when some debris hits them, killing their fellow crew member and separating them from their base, and each other. The next 75 minutes is the aftermath - every jaw dropping, heart pounding, adrenaline rushing minute of it.

Bullock steals the show as Ryan, who has to face her demons and push herself to the limits in order to survive, and Clooney is a loveable rogue providing some light comic relief from the catastrophe that ensues around him. I would urge anyone thinking of watching this movie to see it, and definitely opt for the 3D variation. There are so many moments when it could have turned something picturesque into something beautiful, and a quick intake of breath into a ' jump out of your seat' scene that it is worth the extra £2.50!

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