Sunday 17 November 2013

Weekly Update!

Hull, Leeds & Chilling Out!

This week I've been fairly busy, I babysat on a couple of nights, dyed my hair, gymmed a lot and had one packed weekend! On Tuesday at the Country Club I had beef and mushroom katsu roll with sesame dressing, which was really unusual, sort of a meat sushi roll covered in breadcrumbs. The dressing I wasn't a huge fan of, as it was very spicy and quite sweet, but I'm glad I tried it at least.

On Friday I took Aum to Pontefract, and so as I was halfway there I continued on to Hull to see my grandparents for dinner, and then stayed at Lydia's afterwards. We went out to a Caribbean place called Roots where we had cocktails, before moving onto another bar, and ending up in Sugarmill. It was a very messy night, I am covered in bruises from falling over multiple times, and had a stonking headache on Saturday! It was helped by a KFC for lunch, and then I drove to Leeds to see Jasmine for the evening. 

As I had to leave fairly early this morning, I didn't drink much last night, and came home at 2am with one of Jasmine's flatmates. It was still a fun night though, we went to Propaganda, and despite it being pretty dead inside, the music was good so we all had a sing-a-long. Today I have been at the Country Club with Emily, as I promised to take her as a birthday present way back in June. We went in the gym for a bit (tried a couple of new machines, the powerplate and the treadmaster - a treadmill with two tracks that moves up and down like stairs!), and then swam and went in the jacuzzi/ steam rooms. Was really nice and relaxing, and good to catch up with Emily. I have just finished a big roast dinner, and am off to Mo's for the night shortly, busy busy!

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