Sunday 10 November 2013

Weekly Update!

Fireworks, Amazing Cakes & Styal

This week it was back to school for Aum, which meant back to normal for me! On Monday I chilled out and made the most of having the days free again, watched a bit of TV and read my book. Tuesday was bonfire night, so after we had eaten at the country club (I had sesame crusted lemon sole with avocado and cucumber) I took Aum to Wythenshawe park, where we met Emily, Smeed, and Mo. Aum got a bit scared of the fireworks as they made him jump, so I had to spend the evening carrying him - not an easy feat when he's now nearly 7!

On Wednesday I babysat, and on Thursday I went to see Gravity with the girls (see next week's post) before staying at Mo's afterwards. On Friday we stayed in and got a takeaway and watched The Wolverine, which was average! 

On Saturday I got ready and met Jasmine in Manchester. She got some piercings, and then we went to Home Sweet Home for lunch. We got a Cookie Monster milkshake, and Eggs Cali to share (eggs benedict with avocado and red peppers) and then had a cake each. The eggs were done to perfection, with gorgeous gooey centres, and the avocado really went well with it. I had a strawberry sponge with cream soda flavoured icing, that had teddy bear shaped ice cream cones stuck in the top, and glittery sweets all over it. Jasmine got a ginger cake with latte frosting and waffles on top. 

They were both really tasty, although we had to take the remainder home as they were massive slices. There were also cakes flavoured with Sailor Jerry's and ginger, Japanese plants and fortune cookies, banana and chocolate, and chocolate and maple, as well as loads of biscuits and cupcakes -love the place! 

The weather was horrific, so we dashed between shops for a while (I got some amazing biker style leather look trousers from Zara!) before calling it a day and going home. That evening I put on a new outfit and went into Hale with Abi and Tasha to Hogan's and Suburbia, it's ages since I've been in there! Had a really fun night dancing, and it was helped by a few free drinks from a friend who works there.

Today I had a lie in, and then went for a lovely walk around Styal with Jasmine and Mum, luckily the weather has perked up today. We are just about to sit down to a roast dinner with apple crumble made by Jasmine - it's good to have her home!

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