Thursday 7 October 2010

Freshers Week

Part 1

Freshers Week. Those two words can cause parents to worry, newbie students to buzz with excitement, and second and third years to highly consider doing it all over again. Well me being one of those third years, I was ready and waiting for a week of pre-lecture shenanigans to make up for the pitiful five or so nights out I had over summer.
That was the idea. But alas, as usual I hit it just that bit too hard on the first night, supposedly a 'quiet' night in the bar. I was one of the ones there until the drinks stopped being served, and had to bag a bed in my friend's flat on campus as I missed the last bus home. Whoops. However, Monday night came around, and I was determined to make it out of the house at one point during the day. County College's first night was circus themed, so I donned my most circussy outfit (a turquoise corset and pink ruffled skirt) and headed to County bar. To be fair, it had been decked out rather well, with paintings on the walls, sheets draped from the ceiling and a big banner declaring 'Cirque de County'. There were some awesome fancy dress outfits, most notably a guy dressed as a tent (what a great idea!) and people who had gone the whole hog and were wearing full elephant/ monkey/ lion outfits. The plan was to head to Revs, but as I was on the J20s all night, I wasn't exactly feeling pumped up and ready to go, so I chickened out and went home early. Sorry!

Tuesday was County's Big Night Out, where the Freshers are split into different groups and given a route of bars around town to go to, before ending the night in SugarHouse, the university club. As one of my friends is on the JCR, my boyfriend and I decided to head around on his route to keep him company and also try to blag our way into Sugar. The bars we had were actually quite a good mix. We had Mint and Bar Eleven; both 'cocktail' bars, Yate's which is always cheap and cheerful, and The Sun which is a trendy pub with thousands of different spirits and wines available.

Once we had done the four bars, we headed to SugarHouse, where the queue
was astronomical. Luckily we managed to use some T shirts we had 'borrowed' and a cheeky blag for a wristband to get us jumped past it and in within ten minutes! There followed afterwards a really good night, although a clumsy slip outside the girls toilets called it a day for me, as I hurt my tailbone and was in agony! At least I managed to make it past a couple of soft drinks this time though.

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