Sunday 10 October 2010

Freshers Week

Part 2

After a well needed night in on Wednesday, Thursday saw the start of the Freshers Fair. A two day long event, Thursday's Fair was the chance for the clubs and societies to gain some fresh faces for the year.

Lancaster University has literally hundreds of societies from board gaming to equestrian, lacrosse to trampolining. Personally, I am founder (now treasurer) of the Fashion Society, so we had our own stall, complete with papier mache torso, hand stitched banner and red velvet to cover our table. Last year being our first year, I was proud of us achieving to manufacture our own magazine, produce a fashion show and organise a trip to The Clothes Show Live! in Birmingham. We also had forty seven members, which I thought overall showed a rather successful year. I was quite overwhelmed this year then, when at the end of the fair we had 144 names and email addresses down. Definately means our events and socials are under pressure to please the masses!

Thursday evening was another quiet affair, as my voice was tired from so much persuading and enthusiasm, and I knew I would be out on Friday night, so chose to conserve my energy. Friday night was the return of the Sugarhouse's WiFi Disco, where despite everyone looking stupid with massive headphones on, it is great as you don't have to change rooms to listen to different music, and can stay with your mates even if you have different tastes. The twist this time was the addition of 3D glasses (so much more chic?!) which sadly failed to make poor graphics look even remotely real. It was a great night out, with yet more impressive costumes, as the theme was 'C For County' so there were clowns and cowboys, cheerleaders and even a crocodile! The end of Freshers Week drawing near; everyone was determined to enjoy every last minute, so it was a late (and rather drunken) one, but an awesome night nonetheless.

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