Friday 15 October 2010

New passions...


I did a yoga taster session in high school when I was about fifteen and really enjoyed it, and have been meaning to take it up on a regular basis since then. Over summer I went once a week to my local leisure centre, and did a class for an hour and a half on a Wednesday morning. I find that it is an amazing way to start the day, as it wakes the body up and gets it active but is also very relaxing so it doesn't feel like strenuous exercise.

The first few times I was a bit achey the following day, but it is one of those activities where the longer you stick at it, the easier it becomes. I'm not particularly sporty or flexible, but I definately noticed an improvement in my ability with each week, and after about five weeks there was a significant advance in my balance and posture. I even stopped getting pain in my back, which has never been consistent or severe, but it is nice to be relieved of it.

The end of my summer holidays drawing near, I really wanted to continue my new found hobby once back at university. I checked on the campus gym's website and found that there were a few yoga classes on at different times throughout the week, which was convenient as I could work around my lectures. My flatmate from last year decied to join me and so last Thursday we headed to the glass training room where it takes place.

It was taught by a man, which was new for me but by no means a negative, and for the newbies, he introduced the ideas behind the practise of yoga and asked people what they wanted from the class. Having joined my local yoga group midway through the year, it was nice to have the initial spiel that I missed out on. Being only an hour long, we didn't spend a great deal of time actually doing positions, but it was a good starter to what I hope will continue to advance over time.

For those people who are toying with the idea of going to a yoga class, I would definately recommend it. It is one of the few exercise classes I have been to where everyone can participate in the same room whatever level they are at, and you don't come out feeling like an exhausted sweaty mess!

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