Sunday 17 October 2010

Weekly Update!

A 21st, Rehearsal and first LUFS meeting!

Seen as I'm now back at uni, unfortunately I have nowhere near as much time in which to do interesting things that I can write about on here, so I've decided to do a weekly diary type thing, where I'll relive the interesting bits of my week (briefly!).

Friday saw the 21st birthday of my friend Danielle, and so we went out to celebrate. It was supposed to be Yorkshire themed, but having no inspiration for an outfit I cheated and went in normal attire. I was quite glad upon arrival to be honest, as there was only our friend Brian dressed up! We had drinks (and beautifully made cupcakes!) at their house before heading into town to the Friary, where Danielle works. We had a few drinks in there, and fully intending going to the Sugarhouse afterwards, but when we saw the crazy queue to get in we chose to stay in the Friary for the night!

On Saturday my mum came to visit for the day. I only live in Manchester, so my parents often pop up to see me, as they both like Lancaster (hence why they bought my house there). Upon hearing that we were intending going shopping however, my dad decided to stay behind in favour of an afternoon in the pub at home. She didn't arrive until after midday, which was great for me as it meant I didn't have to get up ridicuously early after my night out. We walked from mine into Lancaster as the parking is often quite expensive, and it only takes fifteen minutes into the centre from where I live.

We did the usual round trip of the few shops Lancaster has to offer, but I also made a very pleasant discovery- Gorrills. From the outside it looks like a boring homeware shop, so I was less than thrilled when my mum suggested we went in. However, it was a prime example that looks can be deceiving, as inside it held a treasure trove of goodies. Aside from the huge amount of Cath Kidston stuff in there (always pretty to look at) it stocked quirky clocks, handmade cards and general knick knacks that I always love having a root through. I have a bit of a thing for frogs, so loved the door stops that were huge handsewn varieties of the creatures wearing gold crowns, and they had gorgeous customised wine and cocktail glasses, that would be perfect as a present for a special occasion.

Today (Sunday) was the very first rehearsal of the play I have just got a part in: One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. Having only been in one production in my time at university so far, I was thrilled to be cast again, as I had an absolute ball last time! It not only filled the void of acting, which I missed immensely since doing Theatre Studies at A level, but I made some great friends and had plenty of awesome nights out socialising with the cast. I can only hope this time around it will be the same. It was just a read through this time, although we did start blocking the first scene. I play Nurse Flinn, which is only a small part, but I get quite a lot of stage time pottering around, so still feel pretty involved in the action.

After my rehearsal it was the first meeting of Lancaster University Fashion Society, the society that I founded with my flatmate last year. This time around I have a brilliant new exec, and 144 people signed up at the freshers fair so it looks set to be a great year for us! The initial meeting was just to gage what aspects people were interested in within the society, as we have a magazine and did a fashion show last year; but also just do the usual socials and trips as well. Everyone seemed up for doing plenty of exciting stuff, which was very encouraging, and I'm really excited to get things rolling!

1 comment:

  1. Spring:
    A hill without a name
    Veiled in morning mist...

    For your pleasure...Lady!

