Saturday 23 October 2010

Inspired by a memory

The summer we discovered the world.

That summer, we rented a caravan and drove there
like real grownups.
For four days we played house
just us two.
Ate asparagus dipped in butter,
and laughed when it dribbled down our chins.

We lay naked on the sofa, limbs mingled,
not caring who saw.
Got hazy eyes from too much wine
and jumped at the seagulls overhead,
‘Rats with wings’ we said.

We walked in grass up to our knees
chasing butterflies.
Set the fire alarm off cooking bacon
for breakfast in bed,
and chewed liquorice while watching the news.

We shouted words from the cliff tops,
listening as they dissolved on the breeze,
and fell silent at the echo of the waves
as they sloshed against the wall
wishing we could stay one more day.

That summer?
We lived.

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