Monday 25 October 2010

Weekly Update!

Cheese, Wine and Binbags! (delayed from yesterday)

This week was fairly quiet in terms of going out/ doing things but then the work is slowly mounting up, so I was glad to have time to get some important stuff done. Rehearsals for Cuckoo's Nest continued as usual, but Wednesday saw our first cast social which was a really good night.

With the aim of drinking excessive amounts of wine and gorging on cheese we headed to the house of one of our directors, where we all crammed in (quite literally!). We started by sitting around chatting, until 'I've Never' began, which led to some interesting discoveries, more wine, 'Paranoia', cheese, grapes, apples and crackers... and more wine. Fun was had by all, even if we couldn't remember everything the following day!

Friday was rather civilised, as I invited two of my friends round for some food. I made a cheesy bacon pasta bake, which granted doesn't take much effort, but is tasty all the same. We also had garlic bread as a starter, and homemade carrot cake for dessert, which wasn't the best (too much butter in the recipe) but at the end of the day was still a good cake fix for three tipsy girls.

Saturday was the day I had been looking forward to, as it marked the Fashion Society's first social. Our new social secretary had declared it 'Recycled themed' so everyone was encouraged to break out the bin bags, newspaper, tin foil and cans and dress to impress. I was so thrilled at the effort that everyone had put in, I almost felt like a bit of a poor show, with my yellow charity bag tunic and tie belt. We started in Grizedale bar on campus, and then headed for some cheeky cocktails in Mint our (hopefully) soon to be sponsors. Before heading off to the university's club we popped into Yates for some cheap beverages, but left after half an hour after far too many sights of PVC clad women, and middle aged couples grinding on each other. Ew. We ended the night with a queue jump and free ticket into Sugarhouse, which was a lovely advantage to being on a society night out. The majority of people stayed until the end, drinking and dancing until newspaper dresses ripped and binbag skirts split; but rather that than our actual clothes!

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