Sunday 31 October 2010

Weekly Update!

Tea, cakes and a friendly visit

This week has had an interesting mix of things to keep me occupied. A visit from my old university 'flatmate' Claire who now lives in France, caused everyone to come out of the woodwork for a night out on Tuesday. Unfortunately it isn't the best night to go out in Lancaster on, but because there was a decent group of us, it didn't really matter. We went to Hustle, the tackiest, smelliest bar in Lancaster; chosen as it serves a huge array of flavoured shooters that are six for £6. Can't complain. After becoming suitably drunk, we headed back to my house; to get even more suitably drunk.

Thursday was slightly more relaxed, as it was the Fashion Society's second social, and one that involved nothing except cake, tea and idle chattering- perfect for a groups of girls dodging uni work and craving some gossip. Lots of people made cakes and buns which were all tasty, and I attempted some chocolate centred fairy cakes, although sadly the chocolate sunk which was disappointing. It was a great chance to get to know everyone a bit better, especially some of the freshers. Friday was a quiet night in with the boyfriend, and we tested out the local chippy, which was definately upto scratch, and was very reasonably priced for what you got.

On Saturday I headed home for the weekend (technically the night) and enjoyed a leisurely day shopping with my mum and sister. I managed to get my hands on an amazing dress from River Island that was reduced from £70 to just £10! It has a three layer black silk skirt, that then cinches at the waist with a bodice made out of flower print denim. It has elasticated straps across the back, and a neon pink zip up the front that gives it an edgy feel. I can't wait to wear it to something semi-formal over Christmas! In the evening I was incredibly hardcore, and ate a beef stew followed by cherry custard tart, watched X Factor and did some work. Not the greatest Saturday night ever, but to be honest, it was exactly what I needed.

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