Monday 8 November 2010

Nights Out...

Lancaster Fireworks
After Friday's night out, most of my friends left for home (after they'd had a full English brekky obviously!) but one of my friends had decided to stay an extra night so we could have a proper catch up. We lounged around in pyjamas until around four, and then finally decided to do at least one thing productive on our Saturday. We headed into town and met some others before walking to Ryelands park where there was a funfair advertised.

Well, it was a funfair, thing is it was very small, very muddy and very busy. So after about ten minutes there we decided to trek back into Lancaster and just go for a drink before watching the fireworks. Given that Ryelands park is over the bridge, we went to the Three Mariners for our drink, seen as it was close. My friend and I were on pints of Coca Cola after how drunk we were on Friday, but it was nice just to sit in a cosy pub and have a natter. They had a hog roast on outside as well, so the smells wafting in were lovely!

We left at about half seven, as the fireworks were due to start at eight, and we didn't want to be on the edges of the crowd (it kept us warm being in the middle as well!). Despite this being my third year at university, I've never actually watched the fireworks in Lancaster, so I was quite excited. They didn't disappoint. They lasted nearly twenty five minutes, and had a good variety of different ones; which considering it is completely free to watch I thought was brilliant.

After the fireworks were over, our group split up and my friend and I headed to Verdes, the cheap and cheerful Italian restaurant on the high street. It must be the fifth time I've been, yet I'm still not bored of the Capricciosa pizza- it is divine! We then wandered back (slowly after how full we were!) and watched a film before hitting the sack. A great lazy Saturday!

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