Friday 19 November 2010

Inspired by tradition

Rhymes for the Cynical

Little Miss Muffet who sat on her tuffet
eating her curds and whey;
didn’t she have anything better to do
than chomping on food all day?

And Humpty Dumpty who sat on that wall,
why not use a chair?
Why did the King send his horses and men?
It’s clearly a doctor’s affair.

When Jack and Jill went up that hill
and poor Jack broke his crown;
why did young Jill follow him there?
She knew she’d come tumbling down.

The Three Blind Mice that ran around
chasing the farmer’s wife;

why complain at a lack of a tail?
At least you have your life.

Poor Mary with that little lamb
constantly at her flank,
if that were me I’d cook it up -
I love a good lamb shank.

So while as kids we sang these songs,

as adults we just laugh.
Huge spiders, blind mice, eggs that speak?
It’s really rather daft!

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