Sunday 21 November 2010

Weekly Update!

Spar, Friary Food and Fashion Soc Fun!

This week was my reading week, so the beginning of it was spent at home in Cheshire. I thought I'd make the most of my spare time and so offered to do a couple of shifts at work, which earnt me a nice seventy odd quid (which I seriously needed!). It was nice to see all the familiar faces again; Don, (who gives me Lindor chocolates if I give him his change in fifty pence pieces) Phil who is the real life Frank Gallagher and John who tells the same joke every time he comes in are particular favourites.

I headed back to Lancaster on Wednesday, and barely had time to drop my bag off at my house before I was on a bus back into town for a Cuckoo rehearsal at the Sugarhouse. It was good to finally see the space we would be performing in, and although we didn't have time for a proper run through, we at least got to work out our entrances, exits and other fiddly bits, so I was slightly less nervous afterwards. The whole cast (or most of us) went for food at the Friary once we'd finished, and it was much appreciated after a long day with nothing to eat! I had the 'smothered chicken' which was a chicken breast topped with cheese and bacon, served with chips and peas- yum!

Thursday and Friday passed in a blur; but involved the gym, a LOT of creative writing, and a lovely evening in with the boyfriend (a very tasty chilli also featured). On Saturday I managed to cram a whole lot of stuff in, which meant a 7.30am wakeup despite a 2am bedtime the previous night. I did a photoshoot in the morning with three other girls for Tattered Lace, our Fashion Society's magazine that was a lot of fun. Luckily the makeup was in abundance, so I managed to make myself appear awake. Graham Binns, a local photographer, took the shots in Pendle Bar as our original location was double booked, but he used a backdrop so it didn't make much difference. We had a winter theme; so brought out the fur coats, heeled boots and pale makeup (with glittery eyes of course; can't have it too boring!) and I'm so excited to get the edited pictures back!

In the afternoon I went to the Friary again for food (shhh, it's two meals for £6) and then saw Harry Potter with my boyfriend and a couple of my old flatmates (review to follow next week). In the evening was our next LUFS social. We pre drank at our social sec's house again before heading to Sugarhouse for a good ol' boogie. This time we didn't impose a fancy dress code like previous nights out, so it was good to see everyone's individual style. It was an awesome night, filled with giggles, hilarious stories and many drinks, and we even got free entry and queue jump- the perks of being in a society!

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