Sunday 14 November 2010

Weekly Update!

A theatre social, Paris plans and home!

This week had a nice mix of events to keep me entertained. Monday was the second social with the cast of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, so after rehearsals we went to the lead's house for drinks and frivolities. I didn't intend to stay too late as I had a 9am seminar on Tuesday, yet still found myself stumbling home at 2am having had to down the offending mix of alcohol in a game of King's Cup!

On Tuesday I made a tasty meal of cheesy cauliflower and leek with beef and cheese burgers, and my boyfriend brought round a lovely bottle of red wine, which was a welcome change from a microwaved readymeal and a cup of tea! On Wednesday we went to the cinema to see Burke and Hare, which was really good (see previous post).

Thursday saw another LUFS meeting, this time held in Mint cocktail bar, who are sponsoring us for the year. We got buy one get one free on house cocktails, amongst other offers, so while discussing exciting plans such as a trip to Paris in April, and our formal Christmas meal at Merchants, I sipped on a variety of scrummy cocktails, yet still managed to catch a bus home due to the 8pm start!

Friday was my final day in Lancaster before heading home for five days, so I wanted the chance to have a night out with my friends. Our college had an event on where it was the aim to spend nine minutes in each of the nine campus bars therefore having nine drinks; a 999 night, continuing the theme wearing emergency services fancy dress. We, however, thought this seemed a pretty silly premise, purely because we didn't want to have to down drinks and race across campus, but decided to do a crawl of the bars anyway. We didn't do them all as we met some friends who were already halfway around, but we managed to get a few in before heading off for a night in the Sugarhouse as always.

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