Sunday 28 November 2010

Weekly Update!

Lentil Moussaka, Clothes Swapping and a Formal Bar Crawl!

This week hasn't been the best social wise, purely as it is the first performance of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest tonight (!) so the rehearsal schedule has been rather demanding. I did get a couple of nights to myself though, so made the most of them.

My mum makes a really nice lentil moussaka, and I was determined to try my hand at it at some point this term, so chose Tuesday. I got a recipe off the internet, and combined it with my mum's in the hope of making it even better. I made it for my boyfriend and I, and it scored highly (he even went for seconds, which considering he is a serious carnivore, means it must be a success!).

We had to eat quite quickly as there was a Clothes Swap on at the Duke's Theatre, which I'd given some clothes in for, so wanted to get there before all the good stuff had gone! It is a really good idea; you take in upto five items
of clothing that you no longer want during the day, and get given tokens in exchange. You then return in the evening, where everything has been hung up and put onto rails, and you use the tokens to'buy' new things. It is all completely free, and I got a couple of formal dresses, a Gap shirt and a nice baggy jumper out of it, all in exchange for a few boring t shirts!

After rehearsal on Wednesday I popped round to my friend's house for a catch up which was nice and on Thursday I opened my house up for my friend Timna to make a secret birthday cake. It was my old flatmate Joe's 21st on Friday, so it was in aid of that, and was great as it meant I got to eat the leftovers!

On Friday we had all been invited out to do a bar crawl for Joe's birthday, and it was formal wear themed, so my new dress came in handy! Some sneaky adjustments and it looked perfect, and I was very happy with how it turned out. We went to The Borough, The Dalton Rooms (I had never been in there before and it was lovely, a
nd I had a gorgeous cocktail!) 1725, The Merchants, The Robert Gillow, The John O' Gaunt, Wetherspoons and The Friary. We stayed in The Friary until we were basically chucked out, by which point we were all very much worse for wear and craving our beds. Especially me, as I had rehearsals at 12pm yesterday! They went well though, and I am looking forward to performing this evening, despite having a stinking cold. Break a leg fellow thespians!

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