Sunday 7 November 2010

Weekly Update!

A candied up Carleton and another 21st!
This week has been mental. Seriously, my diary looks like a novel the amount that has been scribbled in it over the past seven days. That's not to say that it hasn't been awesome; just that in terms of progress on work/ dissertation, well, there wasn't any. But hey ho!

After my lovely meal on Tuesday (see previous post) Wednesday was pretty manic. My dad decided upon the most awkward day to come and visit for the night with his friend to do a bar crawl, and I thought it would be rude not to take advantage of a few free drinks and lunch. I met them both in The Park pub at about 1.30pm, but skipped a drink as I arrived when they had basically finished theirs. From there we went to the Water Witch, which I had never been to before, despite hearing good things about it. It is lovely inside, very cosy yet contemporary, and they happened to have an ale festival on this week, so my dad was very happy! After one in there, we went to the Penny Bank, another first visit for me. We ordered some food, and I was hugely impressed with it. I had a massive prawn marie rose baguette, and my dad had steak and ale on chips; the pair coming to less than ten pounds (£8.50).

It was getting towards half three so I skipped off into town to pick up a few things before going to rehearsals. I left early so that I had time to get ready for my social that night with LUFS. The theme was 'California Girls', and I went all out with my costume; with a marshmallow belt and necklace, ice creams on my skirt and pastel shades of makeup. Everyone who came put in so much effort and looked amazing! We predrank at our social secretary's house and then got a minibus to the (usually dreaded) Carleton. I am not a massive fan of alcopops or cheesy music, so normally don't get on with the place, but it proved that it's not where you are but who you're with that makes the night, as I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

The majority of Thursday was spent in bed, although I did cram in a cheeky gym session in the afternoon, which I was very proud of. Friday saw an early start to prepare for my friend Charlotte's 21st, as I had offered up my house so there would be much more space for gallavanting in the evening, and also more beds for friends from home to stay. I spent my day making lots of cakes and decorating them with different toppings, putting up banners, blowing up balloons and generally prettifying my house ready for the crowd to descend. It was awesome to see lots of my friends from home, especially as some I hadn't seen for nearly three months!

It was probably the most people I've had in my house at once, but everyone seemed to have a great time, and the cakes got a good writeup. We headed to Sugar in different groups as some people had guestlist places, and partied the night away!

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