Wednesday 18 May 2011

Traveller's Tales...

Manchester... again

Yesterday my boyfriend was here to visit, and I fancied a trip into the city. We arrived just after 1pm, so had plenty of time to wander around. Our first stop was Cow Vintage, which I had still never been in despite it being open since summer. I tried on a couple of things; a red shirt with black trim and shoulder pads, and some high waisted navy blue culottes. Unfortunately the shorts were just that bit too long, and the shirt was far too Dynasty for my liking!

Next, we went to Afflecks Palace, which I could literally spend hours in. I bought a new tongue bar; a 'discoball' which is purple with little silver gems in. It is much less tacky than it sounds! I also got some blonde toner for my hair, in the hope that I will finally get it to the shade I want. I plan on doing it tomorrow, so fingers crossed. After Afflecks we went to Urban Outfitters, as I was searching for a present for my friend's 21st birthday. I found the perfect gift, so I was very happy we went in on the off chance.

By this time, we were quite hungry, and so went to a little favourite of mine called Cafe Metro. It is hidden away on a corner just next to Debenhams, but is well worth a visit. Despite only being open during the day, it has a restaurant-feel menu, serving pasta and roast dinners as well as standard lunch time food such as salads and sandwiches. They always have a soup of the day, which is served with bread for £3.45, and this reflects the overall value of the place. I opted for a jacket potato with bolognaise and cheese and a pot of tea, while Chris got the soup, which was mushroom. I pushed the boat out and also got chocolate fudge cake with ice cream as a dessert, it's been a while since I've had the money to be able to treat myself! The whole meal for us both came to just under £15, which I think is a bargain for the quality of the food.

After lunch, we tackled Primark. It normally takes me at least an hour and a half to go round its vastness, but the lack of eye-catching designs meant I'd done the women's section in about twenty minutes, and hadn't seen anything that I was so much as tempted to buy. I went downstairs to the men's section to meet Chris, and saw the most amazing blazer, that would be perfect for him to wear to a wedding we are going to this summer. It was in the style of a Barbershop singer's jacket, and was white with blue stripes. Unfortunately the £30 price tag was too much for us broke students, although it was worth it if we'd had the money!

We then parted ways, Chris to get a train back to Lancaster, and me to head back to the carpark to drive home. Some good, albeit cheap purchases, and a lovely present for my friend, meant it was a successful day all round. I love Manchester!

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