Sunday 8 May 2011

Weekly Update!

A gig and lots of scribbling!

This week started with a lot of fun, and then descended into chaos as I frantically tried to complete my creative writing portfolio!

On Monday I headed to Sheffield with Chris and a couple of his friends, for a mini-music festival that his friend's band were playing in. We got there at about 3pm, and went straight to the Fox and Duck pub where the event was. They had a beer and cider festival on, so I definitely had to pace myself, or I'd have been drunk by 6pm!

We got a Subway for tea, and then went back to the house to get changed ready for the evening to continue. Soul Happening (the band we were there to see) were the headliners, and came on at 10pm after a band that did some really good melody arrangements that I loved, and an indie-style band that despite having a pretentious frontman, were also well worth watching. I was disappointed that I missed Jack Rabbit, who were apparently similar to Florence and the Machine, and I love Florence!

Soul Happening were easily the best (despite the possible bias) and did a commendable range of material that catered to a wide audience. After being encouraged by friends, I threw a pair of my knickers on stage (clean obviously!) which got a good reception!

After we had seen all the bands, we went on to Sheffield's Student Union for a night out there. It was quite empty, but the drinks were cheap and it did get busier as the night progressed. Unfortunately the long day had taken its toll, so I was pretty tired, and the people I was with were a little worse for wear!

The following day after a substantial lie in, we went for a meal at the local pub. It wasn't great, but it was cheap and certainly filled the hole, as I was starving! We got a train home in the late afternoon, and then I drove back to Lancaster at 9pm so I was back ready to work.

I spent the following two days crazily writing, and trying to become inspired, but it was a huge relief when I handed my portfolio in on Friday. That evening was a chilled affair as I had been up late the night before. I cooked a curry for me and Chris, and then some friends came to mine for a catch up and cups of tea. Early the following morning I drove back home to Manchester, ready to work back at Spar, while all my friends have their exams!

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