Sunday 15 May 2011

Weekly Update!

Takeaways, Therapy & TK Maxx

This week has been very uneventful, due to all of my friends being back at uni, and me coming home to get some shifts where I work. However, all was not lost, as my friend Hana was back for a few days, so on Monday we went for a drink at Wetherspoons, which was a nice catch-up. On Tuesday I drove to Wilmslow to spend the day at Masquerade, only to find out that no-one was in for the day so I had an extra day of doing nothing which was good.

On Wednesday I was a domestic goddess and cleaned the house ready for my parents return from their holiday. After picking them up from the airport in the evening, we all got a takeaway from Pinocchio's, our local pizza place. I shared a pepperoni set which has pepperoni, ham, mushrooms and olives on- it was tasty!

Thursday was work day, so I did a shift in the morning, and then went shopping in Sale. The weather has been awful this week, so I was as quick as I could be to avoid the lashing rain! In the evening I watched the first couple of episodes of 'Game of Thrones' which was awesome. I am very much looking forward to catching up with the full season, and would highly recommend it to fans of Lord of the Rings/ historical dramas.

On Friday I had a lovely lie-in and pottered about the house before going shopping in the evening with my mum. I am really disappointed with the current selection of clothes available on the high street though. Fair enough it was only Matalan and Asda Living that we looked in so hardly the height of fashion, but I usually get some good bargains from there. It is all so bland at the moment!

Yesterday I worked a killer ten hour shift, although it went surprisingly quickly. For five hours of it I was working with my sister who has recently got a job where I work, which made it a bit more interesting than usual. I spent Saturday night watching the Eurovision and eating Haribo with my mum and sister- what losers! It was fun all the same.

I have just got back from another bit of retail therapy, this time at TK Maxx. I got a lovely new bikini for my holidays this summer, a black and multi-coloured gingham affair by Billabong. It was only £10 and fits really well, so makes up for the bad shopping of the rest of the week. I topped the good experience with a new Oreo Mcflurry from Mcdonalds. Mcflurries are my ultimate vice, I just can't resist them, and this is a particularly good flavour. Unfortunately I am now back off to work, but it is my last shift before a four day break, so I'm not complaining!

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